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(Jorge goes over to her and sees an empty beer bottle in her hands)

Jorge: Tini? Are you okay?

(Tini starts to open her eyes as he helps her get up)

Tini: Jorge? Is that you?

Jorge: Yes it's me... What happened to your eye?!

Tini: I- uh...

Jorge: Did... Peter do this to you?

(Tini nods and Jorge clenches his fist)

Jorge: I can't believe this...

Tini: Jorge... I think I drank too much of the beer... And now... I'm dizzy...

(Tini passes out again and Jorge lifts her up and carries her downstairs)

Ruggero: Woah what happened to Tini?

Lodo: Oh no! What's wrong with her face?!

Jorge: Long story i will talk to you guys later...

Lodo: Okay bye

(Jorge tries to carry Martina to his car but she wakes up)

Tini: Wait I will be back...

(Tini goes into the cooler and hides a beer bottle behind her back)

Tini: Okay Leon let's go.

Jorge: Did you just call me...


(They walk outside not seeing the paparazzi taking pictures of them)

Jorge: Tini come on!

(Jorge helps Tini walk as she nearly falls down and they reach Jorge's car)

Jorge: Tini what is that?!

(She slowly pulls out the beer and starts drinking it. Jorge glares at her and puts out his hand. She shakes her head.)

Jorge: Tini, give it.

Tini: No i love it.

Jorge: Tini, you know you don't drink...

Tini: Jorge I will be fine...

Jorge: Tini, I'm serious give me that.

(He takes the beer bottle and then she starts to cry obnoxiously. Jorge ignores her the rest of the ride)


(They reach his house and eventually Jorge manages to lug Tini to the door)

Tini: Can you carry me to bed?

Jorge: No you can do it, you're a big girl.

Tini: I don't wanna...

(Tini does her puppy eyes expression on Jorge and he can't help but smile and accept)

Jorge: Okay...

Tini: Yay

(He picks her up bridal style and then sets her on his bed)

Tini: Thank you!

Jorge: you're welcome...

Tini: You're a nice guy Jorge...

Jorge: uhm thanks..

(Tini spreads her arm out stretching on the bed and then raises her eyebrows at Jorge.)

Tini: Hey Blanco, Want to join me?

Jorge: Martina... You are officially drunk...

Tini: Whatever

"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now