Truth will come out

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Tini: W-what secret?

Lodo: I don't know... I over heard her talking to her ex! She said she has to lie to all of us about something...

Tini: Are you sure?

Lodo: Yes!

Tini: Okay... I believe you... But what do you think Stephie did?

Lodo: I don't know... But whatever happens... We know that if she is going to tell us something... It's not going to be true!

Tini: Yeah... I can't believe she has to lie to all of us... Why can't she just tell us?

Lodo: The truth will come out eventually... It always does.

Tini: Ok. I guess we will have to just wait..


(They come back to everyone and talk for a while. Jorge comes out of the bathroom dried up and Tini smiles)

Jorge (whispering to her): Hey

Tini: hi (she laughs)

(Lodo smirks at them.)


(After a while, they begin to go home)

Cande: Thanks guys! See you on set!

Ruggero: Thanks for inviting me! I had a good time. (Bro hugs Jorge)

Stephie: Thanks for the lovely dinner!

Lodo: You're welcome. See you two later!

Jorge: Bye Lodo (he says hugging her) Bye Tini (he says smiling at her)

(They lean in for a hug and then smile. Stephie awkwardly coughs in the background)

Jorge (pulling away): Oh erm... Bye

(He puts his arm around Stephie and they walk outside)

Lodo (thinking to herself): I need to get Stephie exposed! She can't keep her secret forever!


*next Day of shooting*

Director: Tini, you're late! Please hurry and get in your outfit! By the way it's adjusted and now it's a dress!

Tini: Oh ok! Sorry!

(She gets into her dress which is beautiful and glittery)

Tini: This is an amazing dress!

(Lodo comes in and sees Tini)

Lodo: Wow! Look at you! I'm so jealous! I wish I could wear that one.

Tini: I agree that it's gorgeous... Anyways wish me luck on set.

Lodo: Good luck with Jorge. (She smirks)

Tini: Oh, stop (she says rolling her eyes)


(Violetta sings "Underneath it All")

...Underneath it all.
I'm still the one you love
Still the one you're dreaming of
Underneath it all.
I'm missing you so much
Baby let's not give it up

Let's not give it up...


Director: Cut! Good everyone! Let's take a break!

(Jorge comes out of his dressing room and sees Tini.)

Tini: Hey!

(She walks over to him and hugs him)

"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now