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(Jorge stops kissing Stephie and hugs her)

Jorge: Stephie! You... Came back so early.

(He rubs the back of his neck nervously hoping Tini wasn't watching him)

Stephie: Yes! I know... I just missed you so much! I decided I don't want a break! I want to be with you!

Jorge: Um ok... What made you change your mind?

Stephie: I-I just felt guilty and...

(Jorge looks at Stephie suspiciously)

Jorge: uh... Guilty for what?

Stephie: Oh.. I mean guilty for lying about going to Mexico for family and then breaking up with you like that! But I don't want to do that anymore.

(Jorge sighs looking back at Tini then smiles at Stephie)

Jorge: Well I'm glad...


(Tini and Lodo watch them kiss)

Tini: Looks like she doesn't want a break anymore...

Lodo: I'm sorry Tini

Tini: What? It's okay... I'm perfectly fine with it.

Lodo: Are you really?

Tini: Um-

Lodo: forget about it... You are stronger than this, Tini. You will get over him.

Tini: Thanks Lodo...

Lodo: What surprises me is... She is really going for it.

Tini: What?

Lodo: I'm sorry but I'm just saying... Usually she is not this attracted to him this much... I wonder what changed her in Mexico.

(Tini watches as Stephie snogs Jorge)

Tini: Uhh eww...

Lodo: It's like she is trying eat his face off...

(Tini glares at Lodo)

Lodo: Oh sorry... I forgot... I'm not helping...


Director: Announcement everyone! I am happy to announce that for our next few episodes we are going to shoot in Europe!

(Everyone cheers and claps)

Director: Pack your bags and bring whoever you guys feel like bringing. We already have all the tickets set up and everything!


Tini: Well that is exciting

Lodo: Sure is!

(Tini and Lodo meet up with the rest of the cast)

Ruggero: I'm excited to go to Europe

Lodo: Me too

Cande: All of us are

(Director hands them scripts)

Jorge(whispering to Stephie): I'm bringing you Stephie

Stephie: Aw! We are going to have lots of fun!

(Stephie kisses Jorge and Tini looks down upset)


*A week later*

Tini: Thanks for having me stay at your place Lodo

Lodo: Your welcome! Any thing for a friend.

(Tini sighs and packs her suitcase)

Lodo: Are you over Jorge?

Tini: Ya totally...

(Tini knows on the inside she is lying to herself)

Lodo: If you say so...

(Tini fake smiles at her)

Lodo: Do you... miss... Peter?

Tini: N-no

(Lodo nods and comforts her)


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now