An Option

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*it's the next week and Tini drives to the set of Violetta to film the kissing scene!*

(She walks through the door and sees Jorge re-reading the script. Tini slightly laughs. He is always practicing)

Director: Okay Everyone! Let's start! Jorge and Tini come!


Leon: Violetta

Violetta: What?

Leon: I want to get back together with you!

Violetta: But I though you were with Gery!

Leon: No, I broke up with her...

Violetta: Why?

Leon: Because... I'm in love with you.

Violetta: Really?

(Leon grabs Violetta by the waist and kisses her passionately)


Director: Cut! Amazing! There was much more chemistry this time! Bravo! Let's take a break!

(Jorge and Tini awkwardly separate from the set and go off to get some water)

Lodo: Hey Tini

(Tini smiles at Lodo and waves)

Lodo: so....

Tini: I know what you are going to say Lodo... You thought the scene was good?

Lodo: Yeah Pretty Much

(Tini laughs and takes a sip)

Lodo: May I ask? What happened at the party?

Tini: he didn't kiss me Lodo. I was the one... Who kissed him...

Lodo: did you tell him you liked him though?

Tini: No.... I kinda figured it was easier to show him...

Lodo: aw well... That is kinda confusing

Tini: I know! (Tini puts her head in her hands) ugh he is never gonna look at me the same way!

Lodo: Who knows? (Lodo smirks at Tini and walks away)

(Tini turns around and sees Jorge)

Tini: Sorry I'm in your way

(Tini moves from the water bottles and begins to walk away)

Jorge: No I wanted to talk to you...

Tini: Oh me? Are you sure?

Jorge: yeah...

Tini: You know what Jorge? If we are going to talk about the kiss... I mean not the fake kiss but the real kiss... I mean not the stage kiss, I mean the kiss at the party... (Tini rambles on really fast and sees Jorge confused)

Tini: Then let's just forget what happened at the party...

Jorge: I can't forget about it... It was...

Tini: Wrong...

Jorge: Right?

Tini: Wait what?

Jorge: I don't know Tini! This all your fault! I don't know if i have feelings for you or not.

Tini: What? you do?

Jorge: I don't

Tini: Oh so you don't?

Jorge: I do! ....Maybe I don't know!

(Tini and Jorge look around as people stare at them confused. Lodo is snickering in the backround)

Tini: Well... Come talk to me when you have your feelings figured out Jorge.

(Tini pats him on the back and walks towards Lodo)

Lodo: What happened?

Tini: Jorge doesn't know if he likes me.

Lodo: What?

Tini: He won't admit it to me...

Lodo: You want him to like you?

Tini: Of course I do! But he's confused... It's such a turn off when guys don't know what to do.

Lodo: Is it because of Stephie?

Tini: Probably... I can't stand feeling like an option to him...

Lodo: Aw tini! You're not an option!

Tini: Yes I am! He has Stephie! She came back yesterday and she's probably coming here to see Jorge and hug him and give him kisses like she does on set everyday...

(Lodo frowns and points behind Tini)

Tini: Oh great...

(Stephie leaps in to Jorge's arms and kisses him long and passionately)

Tini: I should probably just stay out of his way...

Lodo: I'm sorry

Tini: It's okay... Crushes come and go...

(Tini sighs and wonders how she is going to get over Jorge now that she knows he sort of likes her)


Hi everyone thanks for voting and commenting😋

Just wanted to say I have a new fanfic out! It's called "In Your Arms" and for those of you who don't know... It is the sequel to "All In My Head"! Go read it now!!!

But the read the sneak peek first! I posted it on "All In My Head" if you haven't read it!!

Thanks for everything💕


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now