Hello, do I know you?

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Tini (tears in her eyes): I'm sorry... To be the person to tell you this... But... I had to...

Jorge: I-I don't understand... You must be lying because.... Stephie never said-

Tini: She was too afraid... She should have told you by now...

Jorge: I can't believe this...

Tini: I know it seems weird, but you have to deal with it-

Jorge: No, not that Stephie is pregnant, but that you tell me this after I tell you that I'm in love with you! You really don't feel the same way obviously!

Tini (anger): W-what?! Are you kidding me?! You're being so selfish right now! We can't be together Jorge! Think about that child!!!

(Jorge gulps and looks down)

Jorge: I Know... But... I can't get rid of my feelings for you know...

Tini: Well you will have to.

Jorge (grabbing her by her arms again): Then tell me you don't love me back and maybe I could get over you...

Tini (sighing): Jorge I..

Jorge (with tears in his eyes): Look into my eyes and say it...

(Tini looks up at him and swallows)

Tini: I... Don't you love back Jorge... And I never will.

(He lets go of her and turns away)

Jorge: Fine... Then... I guess I should go back to Stephie... And the baby... That's what you want right?

(Martina comes up to him and pats him on the shoulder)

Tini: I'm sorry... But that's what I want...

Jorge: Okay. Goodbye...

Tini: Jorge...

(He runs away and leaves Martina standing there with tears streaming down her face)

Tini (thinking to herself): I hope I did the right thing... That baby needs a father!

(She sighs and sits down on a park bench. She starts crying into her hands)


?: Tini!!!

Tini: Mechi?

Mechi: There you are! I have been looking all over for you!

Tini: Oh sorry...

Mechi: it's fine... Hey... What's wrong?

Tini: Nothing Mechi! Please don't worry about me... I just want to forget and let go.

Mechi: okay then Lets go to the mall now!

Tini (managing a smile): let's go!


*at the mall/ shopping center*

Mechi: Isn't this fun Tini?

Tini: Yeah! Love spending time with you Mechi!

Mechi: Yeah like the good old times

(They laugh and then come out of the shop)

??: Martina!

Tini: Did you hear that?

Mechi: Um yeah... Who's that?

(They turn around *with their disguises on* and see a man waving at them. He looks like he is in his mid 20's. Mechi and Tini go over to him.)

Tini: Hello, do I know you?

??: Not quite, but I know you! You're... *whispers* Martina Stoessel.

(He winks at her and she laughs)

Tini: yeah haha... Are you a fan? What's your name.

??: You could say I'm a fan... My name is Santiago. I've been looking for you actually...


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now