Sweet Surprise

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(Jorge drove home and stumbled over to the door)

Jorge: Stephie?

(Stephie was on the couch)

Stephie: Hey babe! How are you?

Jorge: Erm... Good...

Stephie: Is there something wrong?

Jorge: You tell me.

(Jorge crossed his arms and gave Stephie a stern look)

Stephie: Ok... I'm guessing you have already heard from either Lodo or-

Jorge: Tini told me...

Stephie (thinking to herself): Ugh of course she told him... That girl can't keep her mouth shut...

Stephie: Okay well it's true...

(Jorge sighs)

Stephie: I am actually... Pregnant...

Jorge: oh...

Stephie: And the only reason that I didn't tell you was because... I was afraid that as soon as you heard the news... You would leave me... And wouldn't want to become a father-

(Jorge interrupts her and gives her a long, passionate kiss!)

Jorge: I won't leave you.

(Stephie takes a huge breath)

Stephie: Good!

Jorge: So...

(He awkwardly backs away)

Jorge: are we gonna go see the doctor together to confirm which gender it is?

Stephie: together?

Jorge: Yeah, Stephie... I would like to know too...

Stephie: No... I think... We should just wait it out and see at the end of the 9 months...

Jorge: Really, why?

Stephie: So that it's going to be a sweet surprise! Don't you think?

Jorge: erm... Okay...

Stephie: Thanks sweetie (she kisses him on the cheek and lays back down on the couch)


Sorry that it's a short chapter... I might update twice later today :)


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