I Remember

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(Tini sighs and goes to look for Jorge)

Tini (thinking): Where is Jorge?! I know he's mad but he has to come back sometime... He has no where to go...


(Jorge hides near a bush as tini passes him)

Jorge (thinking): I don't know how much longer I can hide from this chick. I don't even know her! How can I even trust her and let her take care of me and bring back my memories?! What if I don't want all my memories back! She might just be trying too hard...

(He stands up and walks over to a big water fountain)

Jorge: I might as well let her find me eventually... I mean, Where else can I go? I'm just mad that she had to bring that memory up...maybe I should go back to the hospital...

(He sits down beside the fountain and looks at it)

Jorge: Wait a minute...


Tini: Then... What did I come here to find you for?

Jorge: Maybe this.

(He kisses her)

Tini: Why did you just do that?!

Jorge: ... I don't know.

Tini: It's wrong...

Jorge: It didn't feel wrong... Did it?

Tini: N-... Yes it did!



Jorge (thinking): Wait... I kissed her here?!

(Jorge stiffens up as he remembers everything)



Jorge: Tini... You know... You don't have to stay with me like this since you said you didn't want to do this again... I can drive you home if you want-

Tini: no! It's okay... Please Forget what I said honestly...

and... I'd feel much safer here with you.


Tini: I... Have been thinking about what you said about me always saying "I can't" and never "I don't"... and it's true... I was just afraid of saying "I do" or "I can"...

but I know deep down inside I can't say "I don't"...

"I don't" as in "I don't love you"

Jorge: Yeah I got what you meant...

Tini: okay... And so... Everything has just been... Crazy and mixed up deep inside me... All my feelings are all messed up and jumbled.

Jorge: mhm..

Tini: And lately, i've been thinking about the end of all this... and how I'm gonna have to live some days without a lot of people I have shared so many memories with... And how everyone is moving on to bigger things... and I really just want you to know that.. Um... I'm gonna miss you.

Jorge: ...me too Tini..... but-

Tini: Jorge, I'm just sorry about letting you down and always making you feel rejected after all you've done for me was make me feel loved... I don't know what I'd do without you.

Jorge: Tini.... It's okay....

Tini: No... It's not.

(She kisses him)


Tini: Jorge please... You are making this difficult...

Jorge: Martina, I am in love with you. I want to be with you.

Tini: Jorge...

(He leans in to kiss her)

Tini: Stephie... is pregnant...

Jorge: W-what?!



Jorge (thinking after all his flashbacks end): I remember all the memories... Now, there is just one thing to do... Find Tini and tell her that I love her back...


(Tini searches for Jorge)

Tini (thinking): oh... I hope I find Jorge... I didn't mean to make him upset like that...I was Just trying to help him...

(Tini runs around looking for him)

Tini: Don't worry Martina, he will appear... I just hope it's sooner because I am freaking out...

(Tini searches frantically)

?: Looking for me?

(Tini smiles and turns around. Her smile immediately drops as she realizes it isn't Jorge)

Tini: You...

?: Hey Tini.

(Her heart drops as she shakes in fear)

Tini: Peter...


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