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Doctor: Miss... He is under sleeping medicine... He won't be able to talk to you.

Tini: oh right... Sorry I forgot...

Doctor: No problem... I will leave now.

(Tini goes over to Jorge and stares at all his bruises)

Tini: You're going to be okay...

(For a few minutes she just lies by his side staring at him and crying. Then, she wipes her tears and starts to speak.)

Tini: Jorge... I know you can't talk to me... So... Just listen to my voice... I don't know if you can hear me but just in case...

(She takes his hands and holds them to her heart)

Tini: I just wanted to say...

(She takes a big, long breath)

Tini: That I lo-

?: Miss Stoessel??

(Tini turns around letting go of his hands and faces the doctor)

Doctor: Sorry to interrupt but visiting time is over...

Tini: Oh... yes... um of course...

(She begins to leave but turns around)

Tini: Um may I ask? Are you aware of his condition?

Doctor: Oh yes, but I don't think I am allowed to say.. to anyone else than his family members....

Tini: Please (she begs as her voice breaks) I really just need to know...

Doctor: Ah... Well... Okay I will tell you.

(Tini nods as she listens)

Doctor: So he is lucky to not have any internal injuries in his body, just a few broken bones... So he is a very lucky patient-

Tini: That's amazing news! (She slightly smiles)

Doctor: Yes... However, as for any head injuries, we aren't certain but we think... that he could suffer some memory loss...

Tini: M-memory loss?

Doctor: yes... And... In the worst case... He could possibly be in a coma...

Tini: no...

Doctor: That is the worst case... But we think he will pull through and hopefully he will also remember everything if he wakes up

(Tini shudders at the word "if")

Tini: Okay... Thank you for telling me... I appreciate it.

Doctor: Your welcome. Goodbye miss.

Tini: Bye...


(Tini walks out of the hospital and gets in her car. She lightly presses her forehead onto the steering wheel and sobs. She sits back up straight and starts her car)

Tini (thinking): I hope Jorge wakes up... I need him to be awake. I don't want to not be able to talk to him and hang out with him... I'll miss him too much... Also, I hope he doesn't lose his memory! What if he doesn't remember everything that happened in the park... He will love Stephie... And she will use him! Or worse, What if he doesn't even remember anyone... Not even me... Not even his parents...or anything.

(Tini sits in her car worrying for ten minutes then decides to go home)


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now