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*few days later*

Jorge: Where are we going Martina?

Tini: I'm going to try to refreshen your memory by going to a few places...

Jorge: Ok...

(She takes him outside the old set of Violetta 3)

Tini: Do you remember anything?

Jorge: Yes! I feel like I have been here before!

Tini: That's good...

Jorge: Isn't this where I work?

Tini: Yes! It is (she smiles wide)

Jorge: Oh ok... So I really am an actor!

Tini: Yes!

(Jorge hugs tini)

Jorge: Thanks... At least I remember that...

(Tini sighs)

Tini: Yeah... Let's try getting more memories back...


(Tini brings Jorge to her house)

Tini: Okay look at these pictures...

Jorge: So?

Tini: Do you remember those memories of you and me and the cast?

Jorge: No... Not really...

Tini: What about this?

(She shows her a picture of him at his birthday party)

Jorge: Oh I remember that! Yes! Now I remember everything!

Tini: Really?

Jorge: I'm sure...

(Jorge looks down confused at someone next to him in the photo)

Jorge: Who's that?

(Tini looks down to see Jorge pointing at Stephie wrapped around him)

Jorge: She looks like she was my close friend...

Tini: Yeah... Erm... That's your girlfriend...

Jorge: What?

Tini: Or was...

Jorge: What happened...

(Tini sighs and comes up with an idea)

Tini: Here let's go to one more place!

Jorge: Ok....


(They drive up to the park where they had their small get-together)

Jorge: This place seems familiar...

(Tini and Jorge walk to the middle of the parking lot)

Tini: So... Do you remember what happened here?

(Jorge's eyes widen and he sighs)

Jorge: I-I remember...

Tini: You do?

Jorge (clenching his fists): Yeah...

Tini: Oh ok... Well that's good-

Jorge (faces her) : Really Martina?!!! Is it really GOOD?! How could you do this to me!!! How could you bring me here!!? I wish you never took me here! This is the only event that I felt comfortable forgetting and now you've ruined it!!

Tini: Jorge... I-

Jorge: Save it Martina! I don't know exactly who you are but you are a horrible person!

(He storms off running away into the park)


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now