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(Tini couldn't stop thinking about her and Jorge. After what seemed like months, she avoided him and tried to spend more time with Peter... He would occasionally have to go out though unfortunately for some work reasons... Jorge didn't text her or call her that much. She was glad. Now she is anxious because they are going to see each other at Cande's party)

Tini: Peter! Are you ready yet? We have to be at Cande's house by 7! (She says as she puts on her earrings and arranges her dress)

Peter: I'm ready! (He comes in adjusting his buttons on his dress shirt)

Tini: oh good (she says smiling)

Peter: Hey you look hot!

Tini: thank you?

Peter: ok let's go. (Peter notices Tini upset)

Peter: What happened?

Tini: oh nothing.

Peter: You don't seem excited to go to this party...

(Tini knew she wasn't going to have fun if Jorge was there right next to Peter. What if Peter was going to do something to him? She fake smiled and lied)

Tini: no no! I am

Peter: Okay then my love, let's enjoy!

Tini: okay (she says smiling)


*At Cande's house, People are dancing wildly with red solo cups in the air and there are streamers and lights everywhere! It's almost like a college party.*

(Tini sees Cande and hugs her)

Tini: Happy Birthday Cande! I love you so much! Here is your present (she hands her a fun wrapped gift)

Cande: Aw Tini! I love you too. Thank you both so much for coming!

Peter: Your welcome! Do you know where all the drinks are?

(Tini slaps Peter on the arm)

Cande: They are over there (she points to a table)

*Peter leaves*

Tini: Cande... He's going to check if there's alcohol...

Cande: Yeah but that's why I hid them in the cooler over there. (She points to the other side of the room with a cooler that everyone is trying to get in to)

Tini: oh good! Thanks... I hope he doesn't find out about that cooler...

Cande: Yeah let's hope so...


(Tini hung out with Lodo, Cande, Facu, Xabi, and Mechi)

Cande: What should we do guys?

Facu: Truth or dare?

Mechi: Spin the bottle??

Xabi: yes! Spin the bottle!

Lodo: I agree!

Tini: Really guys?


(They play spin the bottle, but everyone has already kissed everyone except Tini, and Tini is relieved because she finds this game weird.)

Lodo: Okay, can I just say that Xabi and Mechi have had to kiss each other 10 times already! Let's do something else!

Cande: Okay okay fine...

(Tini suddenly just realizes that they have bottles of beer with them, Tini didn't know they were drunk all this time)

Tini: Okay maybe we should play... Truth or Dare now?

"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now