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(Mechi drives to the pharmacy/supermarket to get cigarettes [yes, she smokes, sorry].
She sees Stephie at the counter)

Mechi: Stephie is that you?

Stephie: oh um.. hey! (She looks nervous)

Mechi: Hey! What are you doing here?!

Stephie: I'm um... Buying pills...

Mechi: oh, i hope you feel better by the way

Stephie: Uh thanks... I got to go..

(She runs out of the store hugging the bag in her arms)

Mechi (thinking to herself): what is she hiding?


(Lodo and Tini are talking in their bedroom)

Tini: Things have been so different between me and Jorge... I wish it could have been back to where it was before...

Lodo: But now you have feelings for each other... Is that really that bad?

Tini: Yes! It is... Everything's so complicated... You know?

Lodo: aw...

Tini: I wish we could just hang out normally...

Lodo: That can be arranged! (She says smirking)

Tini: Erm... Lodo? What are you doing?

Lodo: You'll see!


(She comes out of the room smiling with her phone in her hand)

Tini: Lodo... What did you do?

Lodo: I'm inviting Jorge over for dinner!

Tini: Why?

Lodo: So we could all hang out!... And by we, I mean you two!

Tini: What?! Why did you do that?

Lodo: I don't know...

Tini: You can't expect everything to just fall back in place after one dinner! Things are still going to be so awkward! Ugh, Lodo! Why did you have to invite him...

Lodo: Fine, relax... I will invite Cande and Ruggero too so it won't be awkward...

Tini: Okay...


(Ruggero and Cande make it to their house. They all laugh on the couch as Lodo makes chicken for dinner.)

*door bell rings*

Tini: I will get it!

Lodo (whispering to Cande and Rugg): of course she will

(They laugh and Tini smirks at them. She opens the door and smiles)

Tini: hey, Jorge! (she says beaming)

Jorge: Hi, Tini (he smiles back at her and she blushes)

Tini: Come in!

Jorge: Thanks... Sorry we're late by the way...

Tini: We?

(Stephie comes in and waves at Tini)

Stephie: Hey Tini! (She hugs Tini)

Tini: Oh hey Stephie!

Jorge: Stephie's still a little you guys have soup?

Tini: erm... Yeah! I'll go make it!


(Tini walks into the kitchen and gets some soup mix from the pantry)

"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now