Can't Say "I Don't"

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Tini: I... can't

(Jorge sighs and gets up from the bench)

Jorge: Martina, that's always your answer.

(He begins to walk away)

Tini: Jorge! Wait!

Jorge (turns around yelling): You always say that you can't! But you can! Because you never say "I don't".

Tini: Jorge... I....

Jorge: you're speechless...

(He walks away leaving Tini sitting on the bench)


(Tini walks back to the hospital and sees Santiago)

Santiago: Tini! I have been looking for you!

Tini: Hey Santiago... What are you doing here?

Santiago: I was looking for you. I figured I come here after I heard something about a girl fainting?

Tini: Yeah, one of my friends- er, i mean my friends' girlfriend fainted for some reason...

Santiago: Aw.. Well do you mind? Can we do a bit of the interview now? Or do you want to be left alone for a while?

Tini: Here?

Santiago: Yes, why not?

Tini: Ok sure. Here, then.

Santiago: Okay let's sit.

(They sit down and conduct the interview)

*Tini hears footsteps coming through the hospital*

(She turns around and her eyes open wide)

Tini: Jorge?!

Jorge: Tini... What are you doing?

(Tini looks at Santiago who looks confused)

Tini: Oh, you're back...

Jorge: Excuse me, can you leave us to talk?

Santiago: Sure. (Walks away at a distance)

Jorge (to Tini): Who's that?!

Tini: My interviewer... For a magazine.

Jorge: W-why?!

Tini: Jorge... It's not a big deal....

Jorge: It is for me! Who is he?

Tini: His name is Santiago! He's really nice!

Jorge: Where is he from? What magazine does he work for?!

Tini: I-I don't know?! He works for "Teen Stars"?!

Jorge: What the hell is Teen Stars?! Is that even a magazine?!

Tini: JORGE JUST STOP! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SO JEALOUS!! Stop worrying about me!

Jorge: I don't... I-I just don't trust him!

Tini: No you're jealous. Goodbye Jorge.

(She walks off with Santiago)

Tini: Let's go do the interview at the park.

Santiago: Um ok...

(They walk to the parking lot and drive to a nearby park)


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