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(Lodo drops off Tini at her house)

Martina: Thanks Lodo

Lodo: no problem

(As she leaves, Tini opens her door and sees Peter)

Peter: I was worried sick Tini (he says going up to her)

Tini: i know i know

(Peter hugs her and closes the door)

Peter: Where's your car?

Tini: i left it at... Lodo's place...

Peter: why?

Tini: because there was a storm and it got stuck...

Peter: oh ok...

Tini: I'm gonna be right back...

(Tini goes into her room and calls her car mover)

Tini: hello can you pick up my car?

Person: sure! Where did you leave it??

Tini: Uhm... At my friend's house... He lives in...

Peter: Tini??

(After Tini is done talking on the phone she hangs up and turns around...)

Tini: Peter? Were you spying on me while i was on the phone? Why does this keep happening to me?

Peter: maybe... And who are you talking about?

Tini: What do you mean...

Peter: You said "he"... So you were at a guy's house??

Tini: What? Peter it's not what you think-

Peter: I think it is! Are you really cheating on me?!

Tini: I swear! I am not!

Peter: I heard what I heard... Why did you do this??

Tini: I didn't do anything! I just stayed over at his house because of the storm!

Peter: Who is "he"?

Tini: ..... Jorge.....

Peter: what?!

Tini: Nothing happened at all!!! You don't need to worry!

Peter: You were with Jorge for a night?! How can I not be worried!

Tini: Wh-at do you even mean?!

Peter: Oh you know how much everyone is saying how good you two are together and how much chemistry you two have on set...

Tini: But that means nothing to me!

Peter: It means something to me okay!?

Tini: You don't need to be jealous... I love you and only you (she has tears in her eyes)

Peter: ...I-

(Tini wraps her arms around Peter and hugs him tightly)

Tini: Please forgive me... I won't lie to you anymore...

Peter: okay... I forgive you... Let's just forget about this...

Tini: Thank you (she smiles and lets out a huge breath)


(Jorge calls Tini but she doesn't pick up because she's too scared. He leaves a text message.)

Hey Tini,

The guy just came to pick up your car and is on his way to your house... Just thought you would want to know;).


(Tini sighs and puts down her phone)

"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now