Good Morning

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(Martina wakes up and looks around at the end table. She wasn't at her house... She remembered she was over at Jorge's house. She tries to sit up to look around but Jorge's arm is still wrapped around her. She very slowly slides of his arms and he turns around but doesn't wake up)

Martina: Oh my god. (Whispering to herself) What have I done?

(Martina paces around the room folding her arms and rubbing her shoulder. Suddenly Jorge wakes up and rubs his eyes)

Jorge: oh, Good morning Tini

(He acts like nothing happened. Martina rubs her hands nervously. She is still wearing Jorge's shirt and her hair is slightly tossed up but still perfectly curled.)

Martina: uh..I need to go home now...

Jorge: Why don't you stay for breakfast?

Martina: i-i shouldn't

Jorge: Tini don't be stubborn just stay...

Martina: okay...


(They eat breakfast and talk normally like always...but deep inside Tini she feels wrong about her and Jorge sleeping in the same bed)

Martina: I'm going to go get my car now

Jorge: okay... ( he looks a little upset )

(Martina changes, then goes outside and wipes off all the snow and tries to start her car.)

Jorge: do you need it towed?

Martina: i dont know.. Maybe.

Jorge: Okay.. Well we are going to be late for shooting so maybe we should go to set.

Martina: oh ok

(They both take Jorge's car and drive to set)


Director: Cut! Much better today Jorge!

Jorge: thanks... Tini really helped.

Director: that's great! Everyone that's a wrap for today!

(Martina hugs Jorge)

Martina: that was great!

Jorge: Yeah

Martina: so listen... Uhm can we talk about last night?

(Before Jorge answers Lodo comes up to them!)

Lodo: Hey you two! What are you talking about?

(Martina looks at Jorge and gulps)

Martina: nothing Lodo!

Lodo: Okay well anyways... You guys are going to Cande's party on Saturday right?

Jorge: Yeah I'm going...

Martina: Same here

Lodo: Cool see you guys there!

Martina: Can I use your phone really quick Lodo? Mine ran out of battery...

Lodo: sure Tini!

(Lodo hands her the cell phone and she calls Peter)

Martina: Peter?

Peter: Tini! Where are you?? I have been calling since yesterday night!

Martina: I'm sorry I stayed over at..

(Martina was extremely nervous... Should she tell Peter she stayed at Jorge's?)

Martina: i was at Lodovica's house.

Peter: Okay well... Don't scare me like that again... Talk to you later love... Bye

Martina: bye love you.

(Peter hangs up and Martina sighs and turns around.)


Lodo: So you lied to peter huh?

Martina: Lodo! You were listening??

Lodo: Yeah... Sorry... But why did you lie?

Martina: because i-i

Lodo: Where you... At Jorge's?!?!

(Lodo's eyes lit up)

Martina: please don't tell anyone!

Lodo: of course.. Did you two do anything?

Martina: No i promise!

(Lodo looked at her suspiciously)

Martina: We... Sort of... Slept... Together

Lodo: WHAT? (She whispers loudly)

Martina: Not in that way! Just like in the same bed!

Lodo: oh my

Martina: and we cuddled kind of but not...

(Martina struggled to explain as Lodo eyes were wide open)

Lodo: how did this happen??

Martina: i don't know (tini puts her hand on her hand and is almost crying)

Lodo: it's ok Tini... I'm sure nothing really happened...

Martina: yes! And i know it was wrong! But it just happened and i don't know what to tell Peter? What if he finds out?

Lodo: Don't tell him... This will all pass by... Nothing happened so it's fine... Just don't do it again.

Martina: you're right... This can't happen again...

Lodo: Isn't Jorge with Stephie too?

Martina: well she wants a break from him.... but he still loves her! Ugh just listen Lodo I swear... We don't like each other like that! I would never cheat on Peter and Jorge would never cheat on Stephie!

Lodo: i believe you... Let's just forget about this..

Martina: Ok...


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now