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*next day on set*

Director: Okay Everyone! Get in your places!

*during shooting, everything goes perfectly. Everyone knows their lines and it seems as though the day is going quickly*

Tini (thinking): Wow... We are already almost done with shooting for today... 2 more days of shooting.


(Violetta sings Nuestro Camino)


Director: That is the end of today's shooting. Thank you all see you tomorrow!


(Tini smiles at Jorge)

Tini: well, today went by really fast.

Jorge: I'd so say too. *smiles*

Tini: Hey... Erm... Do you wanna go take a walk outside for a bit... I just wanna talk about something.

Jorge: About what?

Tini: Just come (she smiles and takes Jorge gently by his wrist, dragging him along with her)

(Stephie comes in to see Tini taking Jorge with her somewhere)

Stephie: That man-stealer! I better get over there!

(She begins to follow them but is interrupted by Lodo!)

Lodo: Hey Stephie!

(Stephie snarls and tilts her head to keep eye-contact on her boyfriend and tini)

Lodo: I said "Hey!" (Lodo tilts her head as well blocking Stephie's view.)

Stephie: Lodo? What do you want?!

Lodo: Can I... Please borrow your phone for a second?

Stephie: Ugh... Fine...

(Stephie enters her password for her phone and quickly runs off leaving Lodo with Stephie's phone in her hand.)

Lodo (to herself): I can't believe I managed to get her phone now... All her secrets are probably hidden in here...


(Jorge and Tini make their way outside.)

Jorge: Okay so what is it you want to say Tini?

(Tini lets out a sigh)

Jorge: Are you okay? *asks worried*

(Tini smiles)

Tini: Yes! I'm fine... It's just that...

(Jorge stands and listens as Tini has a hard time explaining what she is about to say)

Tini: I... Have been thinking about what you said about me always saying "I can't" and never "I don't"... and it's true... I was just afraid of saying "I do" or "I can"...

(Jorge nods as he listens trying to get the point)

Tini: but I know deep down inside I can't say "I don't"...

(Jorge sighs)

Tini: "I don't" as in "I don't love you"

Jorge: Yeah I got what you meant...

Tini: okay... And so... Everything has just been... Crazy and mixed up deep inside me... All my feelings are all messed up and jumbled.

Jorge: mhm..

Tini: And lately, i've been thinking about the end of all this... and how I'm gonna have to live some days without a lot of people I have shared so many memories with... And how everyone is moving on to bigger things... and I really just want you to know that.. Um... I'm gonna miss you.

Jorge: too Tini..... but-

Tini: Jorge, I'm just sorry about letting you down and always making you feel rejected after all you've done for me was make me feel loved... I don't know what I'd do without you.

(Jorge smiles sadly. Then he notices Tini stepping closer and closer to Jorge)

Jorge: Tini.... It's okay....

(Tini shakes her head in denial)

Tini: No... It's not.

(Tini stares into Jorge's eyes and leans in)

Jorge: Tini...

(Tini gives Jorge a short peck on the lips then pulls away)

Tini: What?

Jorge (backing up): I really can't do this now... I can't be selfish... This is for the baby. I love her so much. I'm not leaving her or Stephie.

(Tini's eyes fill with tears)

Tini: I-I'm s-so sorry Jorge! *puts her head in her hands* I wasn't thinking straight... I totally forgot! *her cheeks turn red* I'm so embarrassed... I am truly sorry...

(Tini steps away from Jorge then makes a run for the door)


Stephie (thinking): I saw every bit of that! Martina struggling to explain... Jorge listening closely... Martina leaning in... The kiss... Jorge stepping away...

EVERYTHING! And now I officially despise Martina Stoessel. She can go jump off a cliff for all I care... I should probably go talk to Jorge now. To Tell him that I saw everything. That way he will feel guilty and pay more attention to me! It's a brilliant idea- but first, I remember that I left my phone with that other girl. Ugh, Lodovica... She's such a stalker... I probably should check on her....


Lodo(thinking): How come there is nothing on her phone?! She has got to have some evidence of some dark secret?!

(Before Lodo gives up she sees a text pop up on Stephie's phone. From... her "Ex")

"Stephie, sooner or later you are going to have to tell everyone the truth... and you know that I can make it sooner"

(As lodo reads the message with her eyes wide open, she felt the phone being snatched right out of her hands)

Stephie: What the hell do you think you are doing Lodovica?

(Stephie stares at what Lodo had just read and raises her eyebrow)

Stephie: What did I say about sneaking around my stuff..

Lodo: What's that all about Stephie? (She crosses her arms)

Stephie: That's none of your f*cking business! Do I have to put a restraining order on you or something?!

(Lodo glares at Stephie)

Stephie: Listen. Closely. Don't mess with my stuff... I have got nothing to hide.

(She shoves her way past Lodo)

Lodo (to herself): Wow what a b*tch.

"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now