Getting Ready

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(A/N: Fact; Yorkshire Terriors are my fave type of dog🐶)


*weekend, evening of the cast party*

(Jorge sits on the couch wearing nice clothes for the party and Stephie comes out of the bedroom in a gold dress)

Stephie: Isn't this perfect?

(Jorge sighs)

Jorge: Are you sure you want to come to the party, Stephie?

Stephie (thinking of keeping Jorge away from Tini): Yes!

Jorge: Ermm... Okay...

Stephie (fake coughs): Ahem... Aren't you going to compliment me?

Jorge: You look amazing.

Stephie (satisfied): Thank you!

Jorge: But... You shouldn't wear such tight clothes...

Stephie: Ugh! Why not?!

Jorge: You have to think of the baby Stephie... You can change into a looser dress!

Stephie: I don't have any other clothes!

Jorge: You have plenty of clothes...

Stephie: Fine...

(She runs back into the room and changes into a looser dress)

Stephie: Okay... Let's go.

Jorge: Okay. C'mon little guy!

(The puppy runs up to Jorge and licks him)


Jorge: Then you can stay home and take care of it.

Stephie: ew no! I mean...... That dog is probably gonna run around and bother everyone...

Jorge: Stephie, I called Diego and Clari and they said they are bringing their dog... So I told them we could bring ours too-

Stephie: Ours? That dog is not ours!

Jorge: It is now. We can't abandon it! It's a stray!

Stephie: Ugh fine... The dog can go... But let me be clear... I am not taking care of that dog...

(Jorge picks of the puppy and looks down upset)

Jorge: If you can't take care of a dog... How are you going to care of a baby?

Stephie: I- I don't know...... Let's just leave...

(Jorge sighs and carries the puppy into the car)

Stephie (thinking): I never even thought of that! ...How am I going to be a mother to this baby?


I don't have wifi so I can't update that much today but I think I can update a lot more tomorrow or the day after 😁



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