Secret's Out!

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Jorge: What?!

(He stares at what Tini is looking at)

Tini: They were both over there before! Now, where are they??!

(Jorge and Tini run up to Lodo)

Tini: Lodo! Where is Stephie and Santiago!!???

Lodo: What?! They are still not back?!

Jorge: Did you see them leave?!

Lodo: Yeah... Erm I think they went back to the parking lot...

Tini: okay thanks...

Lodo: I will follow you


(Jorge, Lodo and Tini run back to the parking lot and see Stephie and Santiago)

Jorge: hey! What are you doing?!

(Stephie turns around with tears in her eyes)

Santiago: Nothing at all

(He gives Jorge a smirk and then holds Stephie by her waist)

Jorge: Take your hands off my girlfriend Santiago! If that is even your name...

Tini: Who are you?!

Santiago: Stephie, would you like to explain?

Jorge: She doesn't have to say anything just let her go!

(Santiago glares at Jorge)

Santiago: She was mine first.

Lodo: You're *her eyes widen* her ex!

Santiago: Yeah... And I'm here to get her back!

Jorge: That isn't going to happen

(He goes over to Santiago and clenches his fist but Tini stops him)

Tini: Wait Jorge! Don't fight him!!!


Tini: Yeah, so what if you hurt Stephie by accident?!

(Stephie breaksdown and cries)

Santiago: Let's go Stephie.

Jorge: Stephie, you're not going anywhere.

Santiago: Too bad. She belongs with me... And so does that baby of hers.

(Lodo and Tini gasp as Jorge glares at Santiago)

Jorge: Wait? What!!!

Santiago: Stephie, if you won't explain, I will.

(Stephie remains silent and stares at the ground)

Jorge: Stephie.... Tell me this isn't true...

Santiago: Fine, I will tell him since you never talk Stephie... Did you really think you could let this secret pass by so easily?

Stephie: I-I...

Santiago: While Stephie was away for mexico, she met up with me! We saw each other at the bar and then she went back to my place and we had the best night of our lives! Then in the morning, she said she felt guilty... I didn't know what it meant until she told me she wanted to leave for Buenos Aires because her boyfriend was there. After that, I followed her back and pretended to be a magazine writer for Tini so that I could get close to Tini and her friends since I thought that she knew Stephie, and now here I am in this position. I'm so glad to finally expose everything and be able to get my baby back!

Jorge: You-you're lying!

(Santiago takes out a peice of paper and gives it Jorge)

Santiago: I got a DNA test done... Which confirms that I am the father of this baby, not you.

(Jorge stares at the document in disbelief)

Stephie: Jorge, can I please talk to you alone...

Jorge: No... You can't...

Stephie: Santiago, you've already ruined everything! Let me just speak to Jorge!!

Santiago: Very well... Then you're coming with me, since I doubt your boyfriend will want you now (he laughs and then leaves them alone)


Stephie: Jorge, listen...

Jorge: You have been lying this whole time...


Jorge: It doesn't matter... I'm breaking up with you!

Stephie: But I love you!

Jorge: I loved you too... Now I can't even look at you.

(Jorge turns around and walks away)


Jorge: Go live your life with him and your baby...

Stephie: Ugh!


(Jorge walks back towards Tini and Lodo)

Tini: Jorge...

Jorge: I'm gonna go home now... Sorry...

Tini: No Jorge, please don't-

Jorge: I don't have any other choice! I just lost two people I loved! Stephie and the baby... I thought we were going to be a family.

Tini: I'm so sorry...

(He storms off into his car)

Lodo: I feel so bad for Jorge...

Tini: Me too... This news is all so hard for him...

(Tini worries about Jorge as he drives his car out of the park)


Jorge (thinking whilst driving): I can't believe Stephie just did that to me! For a month, she was lying behind my back and I trusted her... She even got mad at me for being with Tini even though she was the one cheating on me!

This is going to be hard to get over... But somehow I will manage.

I wish... I wish that I could just forget! Forget everything that just happened... so that I could stop feeling like there is a knife through my heart! I have never been so heartbroken... but, How will be able to forget?

(Jorge is driving on the highway. Suddenly the car in front of him makes an unexpected turn and Jorge is about to crash into the car in front of him. He quickly swerves to the side of the road and his car goes tumbling down a small hill. His car ends up on its side and his vision goes blurry. The last thing he sees is his shattered window and a gigantic airbag before everything goes black.)


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