I love you.

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(Tini drives to the hospital, first thing in the morning)

Tini (thinking): Oh, I hope he is okay today...

(She walks into room 205 and sees the doctor)

Doctor: Give us a minute with our patient please miss.

Tini: Okay

(She sits down and waits)


(The doctor comes out of the room and looks sad)

Tini: W-what happened doctor?? Is he ok?

(The doctor sighs)

Tini (thinking): Oh... No... Jorge can't be....

Doctor: Miss.... I'm afraid we have some bad news...

Tini (trying to hold in her tears): Okay... You can tell me... I can handle it....

Doctor: ....

Tini: I-is he...?-

Doctor: Oh no miss! He's not dead..

(Tini sighs in relief)

Tini: oh good... So what's his condition?

Doctor: he's... In a coma...

Tini: Oh.... That's terrible....

Doctor: Sorry miss... He still has a chance to wake up... But We're slightly sure that if he does he will have some sort of memory loss...

Tini: Ok... Thanks for telling me... Can I see him?

Doctor: Yes go ahead.

(Tini walks into the room and stares at Jorge. She goes over to him and lays down beside him.)

Tini: Jorge... You're in a coma so I know you can't talk to me... But... You do hear me this time... So... I just wanted to finish what I was trying to say yesterday...

(Jorge lays on the bed lifeless)

Tini (sobbing): I really just need you to wake up and remember me... Because... I love you.

(Jorge flinches)

Tini: Oh... I know you can hear me now (she smiles)... Yes, It's true... I'm sorry I didn't say it before but I do love you. Way more than you could ever imagine!

(She laughs as she remains beside him with her arms wrapped around him)

Tini: Jorge, I'm sorry... Something makes me feel like this was all my fault... Maybe i shouldn't have let you go home... (She puts her head in her hands)

(Tini squeezes Jorge's hand)

Tini: I wish you could answer me... I wish you could tell me that you love me back... But who knows if you'll even remember me...

(Tini sighs and looks up at Jorge. She scoots up so that they are face to face and then plants a kiss on his lips)

Tini: J-Jorge?

(Tini looks up and Jorge blinks)

Jorge: hello?


(She gets up and rapidly presses the emergency button.)

Tini: Oh Jorge! You're awake!! (She hugs him tightly and then lets go to make sure she wasn't hurting him.)

(Doctor comes in)

Doctor: You're awake?! That's strange but amazing!

Jorge: Uh...

Doctor (faces Tini): miss now I'm going to have to ask you to please leave-

Tini: Wait! Please!

(She runs over to Jorge)

Tini: Jorge! Tell me you know who I am please!!

Jorge: I-

Doctor: Miss you have to leave! I am sorry!

Tini: But-

Doctor: The nurse will escort you.

(A nurse comes and pulls Tini away)

Tini: Jorge!

(She gets dragged out of the room and then sobs)

Tini: I just wanted to know if he remembered me!

Nurse: Yes we understand. But we don't want to mess up his brain by trying to fill it with memories yet. Once you wake up from a coma it's difficult to process everything and as you could see the patient was a little overwhelmed that he was in a hospital...

Tini: Ok ok I'm sorry... When can I see him again??!

Nurse: We will let you know..

Tini: Ok... I will be waiting here..

Nurse: Okay that's fine...

(Tini sits back down on the chair and jumps excitedly)

Tini (thinking): He's awake! I'm not sure if he remembers me... But he's awake!


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now