Please Stay

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(It's a cold winter night... There are snowflakes all over Tini's windshield...tini is struggling to turn her car over the slippery road and it looks like the storm is going to get worse... She finally manages to pull up near Jorge's driveway, and walks to his door with her wet boots.)

Jorge (opening the door): come in, it's cold outside.

Martina: thanks

(She comes in and immediately spots rows and rows of candles near the windowsill and on the tables. Martina thinks it looks romantic so she gets a little anxious to ask what they are for)

Martina: uh...Jorge... I didn't think this was going to be a date...

Jorge: what?

(He looks confused. Tini points to the candles and he laughs)

Jorge: Oh, sorry I put those there because my electricity went out. You know how winter storms are..

Martina: Oh ok (she feels like such an idiot for not thinking about that)

Jorge: Okay let's start practicing our lines

(He pulls out the scripts)

Martina: okay


*2 hours have passed and Martina and Jorge are getting tired*

Jorge: Do you want to try some of our lines again?

Martina: i'm getting tired maybe I should go... We can do this again another time.

Jorge: okay (smiles)

(Martina heads outside but she sees her car covered in snow)

Jorge: tini... It's too cold outside... Maybe you should stay over... (he says nervously rubbing the back of his neck)

Martina: What?

Jorge: You should (he smiles)

Martina: no, I really can't do that...

Jorge: I don't mind it's ok...

(Martina looks towards her car and shivers as the storm is blowing her.)

Jorge: Quickly! Come inside

(Martina goes inside but still feels uncomfortable)

Martina: I don't think it's a good idea... Once the storm calms down I will try to start my car...

Jorge: The storm won't die down... not until tommorow... You can even take my bed, just please stay?

Martina: uhm.. okay.

Jorge: Great.. Do you want some tea?

Martina: uh sure..

(Martina feels awkward for staying over at Jorge's... What is she going to tell Peter?)


*After tea, Martina heads to bed*

Jorge: Here

(He hands him a long shirt)

Martina: this is... Yours.

Jorge: i know... You can wear it as a pajama.

Martina: I don't know...

Jorge: You could borrow stephie's pajamas then...

(WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW THIS IS JUST AWKWARD! Martina's head was spinning. Martina hopes Jorge is not flirting with her)


Jorge: I will go get some extra blankets.

(Jorge leaves and Martina gets changed. She looks inside Stephie's closet and spots some pajamas. Damn... Stephie has the weirdest pajamas... All short and laced... She must really like getting in bed... Martina shudders at the idea... She grabs Jorge's shirt and puts it on)

Jorge: are you ready yet? (He knocks)

Martina: Yeah...

(He comes in and spots her in the long shirt [which isn't actually that long;)] and clears his throat)

Jorge: here is the blankets... Tell me if you need more..

Martina: Okay

(She gets in bed and wraps the blankets around her... She hopes that nothing has happened on this bed... But judging by Stephie's slutty pajamas there has...)

Martina: ugh ew (she says to herself)

Jorge: huh?

Martina: what? Nothing... Goodnight!

Jorge: Goodnight (he smiles and turns off the lights)


(Martina shivers... The blizzard outside is keeping her awake)

*just then the blizzard shakes the windows and bursts them open*

Martina: Jorge! (She screams as she shivers even more.

(Jorge comes running in and closes the window)

Jorge: What happened to the window?!

Martina: I-I don't know.. There was a blizzard

(Martina is sitting up and wrapping the blankets around her and shivering)

Jorge: do you want me to put more candles in here so that it's warmer?

Martina: maybe

(Martina had something else in mind but she was too afraid to ask Jorge)

(Martina turns in Jorge's bed and shivers trying to cover her legs and arms)

Martina: Jorge...

Jorge: Yes?

Martina: Can you...

(Martina hesitates then shakes her head thinking about Peter)

Martina: uh..

(Jorge understands her and sighs thinking about Stephie)

Martina: sorry I didn't mean to... Never mind-

(Martina is still facing the wall and shivering in the blankets. She is surprised when she feels a warm arm wrap around her waist. Jorge gets in bed with her and they cuddle in silence. She stops shivering and her eyes widen. She feels awkward but also relieved. Two completely different emotions in her mind and she doesn't know what to do. Jorge doesn't know either but he falls asleep)


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