Magazine Covers

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Tini: oh really? Why?

Santiago: Well I am looking for an artist for my bosses' magazine "Teen Stars" and I just wanted to ask if you would like to be on the cover and have an exclusive article?

Tini: W-wow! Really?!

Santiago: Of course! You're famous! We'd love to have you!

Mechi: That's an amazing opportunity for you, Tini!

Santiago: So if you say yes, we will get started immediately...

Tini: I say...

Mechi: Just take it Martina!

Tini: okay! I say yes!

(Tini jumps excitedly)

Santiago: Very well, here is my card, I will explain details as we go. Now we need to know all about you. Do you mind me following around?

Tini: No I don't mind... When is the photo-shoot going to happen?

Santiago: Maybe in two weeks... Meanwhile I need to interview you and see how you live your life.

Tini: Haha okay... Well right now, I am shopping with my bestie Mechi!

Santiago: Ok. I think we need a little more for the magazine though...

Mechi: Okay, how about you come to our cast party this Sunday?

Tini: Yeah! You would get a lot of details there to make your article!

Santiago: Ok that would be great! thank you so much. I'll call you later Martina.

Tini: you can call me Tini, Santiago... Anyways see you at the party then.

(He hands her his card, smiles at her and walks away)

Mechi: Oh Tini... (Snaps her finger in front of her face)

Tini: W-what?

Mechi: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Tini: ...What are you thinking?

Mechi: That guy is way way WAY too hot to be a magazine writer

(Tini laughs and playfully punches Mechi)

Tini: Aren't you dating Xabi?!

Mechi: Well yeah, i'm just saying, he looks good for you...

Tini (smirking) : Uh huh... Sure.


(A/N: idk who should play Santiago... I have someone in mind but i'm not sure... If you want me to, i will tell you so you get the idea what he looks like but for now, you can just imagine however he may look like!)

"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now