Sorry to Interrupt

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(Tini wakes up as Lodo comes out of the bathroom)

Lodo: Morning Tini!

Tini: Hey goodmorning...

(Tini gets a text message)

Lodo: Who's texting you?

Tini: Ugh... It's Aaron...

Lodo: Ooh... Are you gonna text back?

Tini: No... I still have to get over Jorge, remember?

Lodo: mhm.

Tini: Anyways... Speaking of which...

(Tini glances at Stephie's phone in her bag)

Tini: Stephie isn't here

Lodo: I hope she's okay...

Tini: I guess I just have to keep her phone...

Lodo: Or... You can give it to Jorge...

(Tini sighs)

Tini: You're right... That's what I have to do...

Lodo: Be brave! You can do it!

Tini: It's going to be so awkward though...

Lodo: C'mon Tini! Go

Tini: Fine...

(Lodo gives the phone to Tini and pushes Her out the door)

Tini: Lodo!

Lodo: You're welcome.

(Tini walks over to Jorge's room.)

Tini(talking to herself): Tini, you can do it... Just return Stephie's phone to Jorge...

(She knocks on the door)


(Jorge and Stephie are asleep in the same bed until they hear a knock on the door)

Jorge: Woah what happened? (He says waking up and seeing Stephie next to him)

Stephie: Looks like we had a little more fun than we planned (she smirks and continues to sleep)

Jorge: I will get the door...

(He stands up and wraps the blanket around his body. He opens the door only peeking his head so that his bare body isn't showing)

Tini: Hey Jorge! (She smiles)

Jorge: TINI... I-I uhm...

Tini: Listen, I know this is kinda awkward but um... I have Stephie's phone right here and she hasn't turned up to our room yet so I just wanted to give it to you-

(Stephie appears in the back and runs up to the door with a blanket wrapped around her chest)

Stephie: Jorge, who are you talking to-

*she gasps*

Stephie: My phone! Oh thank you! I can't live without this dang thing...

(Tini eyes light up as Jorge slowly opens the door more. Tini and Jorge look at each other in silence)

Stephie: Well Thanks Tini... And jorge we should get ready now... I'm gonna freshen up.

(She goes to the bathroom leaving naked Jorge and Tini awkwardly staring at each other against the door)

Jorge: I'm really sorry... About that...

Tini: No... Erm... It's okay, I just uh-

Jorge: Look tini...-

Tini: No! I shouldn't have come! Sorry to interrupt your morning...

(She turned around quickly and ran back to her room)


Lodo: Hey Martina, you ready to leave?

Tini: Erm... Yeah (she says with tears in her eyes)

Lodo: What happened Tini?! Are you okay?

Tini: I walked in on them...

Lodo: On who?

Tini: Jorge and Stephie...

Lodo: Wait what were they-

Tini: They were wrapped in blankets and just got out of bed and I just...

Lodo: Oh my god! No way!

Tini: It was so embarrassing...

Lodo: I'm so sorry Tini (she says with her hands over her mouth)

Tini: Forget about it. Let's just go to set...


"Is it Really Just Acting?": A Jortini FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now