I Want You...

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*day of shooting*

Jorge: Hey Martina

(Jorge stands near Tini. She's at the water cooler pouring some water in a cup.)

Tini: Hey erm... Bye...

Tini(thinking to herself): Wow... Maybe I shouldn't just ignore him... I have to talk to him... I have to try to let him know I don't want to be with him...

Jorge: Wait Tini!

Tini: what?

Jorge: Are you... Avoiding me?

Tini: No no... I'm not avoiding you...

Jorge: Are you sure because you always leave when I try to talk to you...

Tini: Ya... Sorry but I have to go...

(Tini walks away before Jorge could reply)


Mechi: Tini how are you?

Tini: I'm good... How about you?

Mechi: Great!.... Why do you look so sad?

Tini: What? I'm not sad...

Mechi: Yes you are...

Tini: Mechi Don't worry I'm fine...

Mechi: I can help! Wanna come to the mall with me?

Tini: Um... I don't know...

Mechi: Oh c'mon... We haven't hung out in so long girl!

Tini: oh... okay (she says smiling and laughing)

Mechi: Yay! (She hugs her)


*after shooting*

Lodo: Hey Tini!

Tini: Hey lodo! Do you know where Mechi is?

Lodo: Why?

Tini: Oh well, she is gonna take me to the mall.

Lodo: Oh... Hmmm...

(Lodo thinks for a second)

Lodo: wait first, have you talked to Jorge yet?

Tini: No... I'm kinda scared...

Lodo: Tini!

Tini: I will do it Later!

Lodo: Okay well anyways I think Mechi went to walk in that park over there.

Tini: Okay thanks.

(She waves goodbye and Lodo smirks)

Lodo (thinking to herself): now she is gonna have to talk to Jorge, since he is there! I had to lie to her or else she would never have told him...no more running away from him!


(Tini walks to the nearby park and looks around)

Tini (thinking to herself): Oh no. Lodo probably led me here so that I would have to talk to...

Jorge: Tini!

Tini (whispers): shit.....

(Tini tries to run away)

Jorge: Tini, c'mon! Wait up!

(Tini slowly turns around and tries not to look into Jorge's eyes.)

Jorge: What's wrong?

Tini: Jorge, it's nothin-

Jorge: No Tini! Stop lying to me! Tell me...

Tini: I just.....

Jorge: Is it because of... The kiss?

(Tini looks up at Jorge and gulps)

Jorge: I'm sorry... I just wanted to know if you felt the same way I did... And I didn't know how to explain it clearly...

Tini: I know... It's not your fault... I kind of wanted it to happen too but... It just can't happen! This... Won't work!

Jorge: What why?

Tini: Jorge you are with Stephie! You love her... You don't love me!

Jorge: Listen, I know that my feelings for you were confusing in the beginning but I really know what I want now Tini!

Tini (thinking to herself): oh no...

Tini (talking quietly) : You can't always have what you want...

Jorge: Then I'll fight for what I want.

(Jorge puts on a serious expression. He holds Tini by her arms close to him and she shakes nervously)

Tini: Jorge please... You are making this difficult...

Jorge: Martina, I am in love with you. I want to be with you.

(She gazes into his eyes, trying to hold in her tears as he continues to hold her in a strong grip.)

Tini: Jorge...

(He leans in to kiss her... But she closes her eyes and shakes her head backing away)

Tini: Stephie... is pregnant.

(Jorge's eyes widen and he almost loses his balance)

Jorge: W-what?

Tini (tears streaming down her face): That's why I can't be with you Jorge... You are going to be a dad...


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