Heat wavez

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To say that it was burning up in your hotel room was an absolute understatement.

It was so hot that the wallpapers were melting, no scratch that it was so hot, it felt like Satan had decided to vacation in your hotel. It was so hot, that camel's would literally collapse if they resided here.

And lastly, it was so hot it felt like Tupac had came from the dead and released a mixtape dissing every mumble rapper out here.

That's how hot it was.

"Oh my God, how could our A/C go out at a time like this?" You whined laying on the bed fanning yourself with a magazine.

"They said they would get it working soon." Marshall said laying on the couch completely drenched in sweat.

Like you had seen him sweat before especially on stage, but he was literally sweating so bad he could ring his shirt out and fill a whole bucket.

"Why can't we go to another hotel?" You groaned tired of waiting for the air conditioner to be fixed.

"Paul says there's literally no other hotels near by." Marshall reminded.

"Uhgg.." You cried.

You knew it must've been at least 100 degrees in here considering the weather outside was in the high 90s. You had never been this hot before in your life.

"Marshall, how do you still have your shirt on?" You wondered looking over at your sweltering boyfriend.

"Don't feel like taking it off." He shrugged.

"But it's like 100.." You questioned.

He said nothing and you were too drained of energy to argue. You had noticed he had been acting a bit strange these last few weeks, everytime you asked him what he wanted for dinner he would shrug and say he already ate and completely brush you off.

And if that wasn't strange enough, you and Marshall would work out together at times and he would always take his shirt off while exercising which of course you had no problem with.

But recently he had kept it on while working out much to your dissappointment.

But what really surprised you was the fact he had passed up on eating your world famous nachos which literally everyone that ate them raved about.

It had melted cheese, shallots, tomatos, hamburger, jalapenos, red peppers, hamburger, sour cream, corn, and black olives.

Absolutely no one could refuse your nachos, but for some reason he didn't eat not a single one, which was beyond strange since usually he'd have a whole plate full.

"Wanna go swimming? There's an inside pool down stairs." You suggested.

"Nah..I'm good." He assured.

"Really cause your sweating awfully hard..come on let's go for a swim, I bought a new swim suit!" You teased hoping that would catch his attention.

"I'm fine really, you can go though." He said making you frown.

"Marshall what is going on with you?" You asked crossing your arms in annoyance.

"What, nothing." He said his eyebrows narrowing.

"No theres definitely something, whats going on with you?" You inisisted wondering why he was acting so weird lately.

"I said nothing, can we stop arguing it's to hit for this crap." He huffed tugging back and forth on his shirt for much needed air.

"Marshall you been acting weird for a few weeks now, not eating, exercising in your shirt, not eating my nachos." You listed.

"Just not hungry." He shrugged.

"And staying in your top when it's over a 100 in here?" You questioned.

He sighed, "Ugh fine, you ain't dropping this are you?" He moaned.

"Nope, not a chance." You smirked.

"Fine, it's because I'm chubby." He announced.

You looked at your boyfriend for a good 2 minutes looking at him like he had grown another head.

"Huh??" You drawled out nothing but bemusement as you stared at him awaiting some sort of reasoning.

"Look I'm all pudgy and stuff now." He said gesturing to his entire body which you were having a hard time seeing, like where did he think he was fat? He looked pretty much the same in your overall opinion.

"Marshall..you look the same baby what are you talking about?" You wondered.

"Everyone's saying on Twitter, Instagram, bookface-"

"Bookface?" You laughed. "You mean Facebook."

"Whatever." He shrugged. "That I look chubby." He said.

"Hmm...now that you mention it, you do look a little thicker." You half smiled.

"Y/N!" He argued.

"No, I mean you do, like in a good way though, your less skinny and bony looking than before, YAY I think that means you've been enjoying my cooking!!" You squealed in excitement.

"Y/N." He said his tone mono.

"What?" You asked displaying a huge smile on your face. "Look, you look absolutely amazing, plus you been hitting that gym, got some amazing muscles to go along with your weight." You praised. "Plus this makes you all the more cuddly!" You said going over to him and laying your self on him.

"Thanks." He said giving you a kiss on your forehead letting you know he was feeling better about himself which is really all you wanted.

"No problem, your so cute Marshall..remember that okay?"  You asked kissing him on the cheek.

"And this is why I love you." He chuckled a bit, making your heart jump since you hadn't heard that laugh in a minute.

"Ditto." You laughed.

"Y/N?" He asked you.

"Yeah?" You asked.

"Could you get off me, it's like a 100 degrees in here." He pointed out.

"Nah..i'm comfortable." You teased.

"Y/N.." He groaned in irritation. "Fine let's go to the pool." He sighed.

"Yay!!" You cheered shooting up off him grabbing your pool attire and racing towards the door with Marshall right behind you.

It has been so hot lately, and I haven't been feeling all that well so i haven't updated anything in a bit, but I hoped you liked this little imagine! :D Chubby Marshall is adorbs!! <3

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