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"My name's Jinyoung."

"Did I ask?" Jackson snarled. Sure, he had helped the boy get away from the bullies, but he was left in confusion of his actions. Jackson, for one, never helped others. Like always, though, the idol thought, it's just an effect of being in Mark's body.

Jinyoung rolled his eyes, "Mark, right? Because of your behavior, I don't know whether to thank you or just smack you in the face for making things worse. Like, Daniel and them all never bothered to mess with me until you got away from them."

Jackson just shrugged as he finished checking the boy for injuries. He battled internally with his thoughts before saying the words that have been on his mind.

"Don't let them push you around, okay?" Jackson held his hand out for a handshake, of course, after much debating. Mark could use friends, after all. "Let's be friends."

Jinyoung raised an eyebrow, mumbling a few words under his breath that sounded like 'bipolar, much?' before slapping Jackson's hand away as a sign of disregard and walking out the door.

Jackson shrugged to himself, shaking his own hand before muttering, "Well, this is the first time i've been rejected. Must be the effects of Mark's body~"

Mark Focus

"Good job, Good job~" Mark's manager congratulated him for a successful concert, "I was really worried because you were so out of it this morning, but today you performed even better than usual!"

Mark grinned in accomplishment, the memory of performing on stage flashing through his eyes again. Never in his life had so many people cheered for him, and the boy was overwhelmed with joy by the amount of love he received. He chose to turn a blind eye to the fact that the fans were rooting for Jackson, not him.

"Thanks, haha~" Mark wrapped his coat further around himself, as the van, driven by his manager, turned towards Jackson's apartment.

The manager signaled Mark to exit the van quietly so that it wouldn't bring them attention. It was dangerous, after all, if fans—sasaeng fans—knew his whereabouts.

The boy quietly hurried towards his room where his manager bid him goodbye, and the door soon swung open before he could insert the key.

To Mark's surprise, Jaebum stood there shirtless, a towel around his waist, as the boy almost—almost—squealed in shock.

"Jackson? Why are you just standing there?"

Oh yeah, his thoughts invaded his mind before he passed out for the second time that day, I live with Jaebum.

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