T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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A/N: Hi! I'm EvilFairy511 . Oalkos and I are writing a chapter in each other's books. She is writing chapter 6 of The Bangtan Club and I am writing chapter 23 of this amazing book. Please continue to support Oalkos!

Mark woke up and grumbled. He reached for his phone as he tried to get use to the bright light of day. He unlocked his phone and hugged the small object, seeing as he was happy to have his phone back. He and Jackson had traded at their previous meeting. His phone dinged as he got a text.

Hey, do you want to grab
a coffee later? We should
catch up

Who is this?

It's me, Irene, silly


So when do you want to
meet up?

Mark furrowed his brows. Who ever said he even wanted to meet up with her? Then it was as if a lightbulb magically appeared and lit up; he had an idea. He quickly unlocked his phone again and went on Instagram.

I need you to do me a favor

What now?

Do you remember Irene?

Yeah, I met her the
other day, right?

Yeah, she wants to meet up. I thought you and I could go meet up with her.

I mean sure I guess

Thank you so much. I'll find out the where and when.

Mark decided to finally get out of bed. He quickly did Jackson's morning routine. He decided to run by the coffee shop across the street. He was on his way inside when he saw a familiar face. Mark walked a bit closer and saw that it was the one person he didn't want to see; Irene.

He then had another lightbulb moment. He smirked and got in line for his coffee. After he received his coffee, he started heading towards the clueless girl. "Excuse me? You're Irene, right?" Mark asked the girl sitting below her.

Irene looked up and jumped back in shock, "Oh um yes, I am." "You know my boyfriend, Mark Tuan, right?" he asked. The smaller girl gasped, "B-boyfriend? Yes, I know Mark." Mark smirked. "Well I came by to ask for you to please stop texting him." he told her. Irene looked dumbfounded. "Oh um ok." she told the boy in Jackson's body. Mark nodded and left with a smile on his face.

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