T W E N T Y - O N E

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"We should get some chills, pullin' up in the brand new whe—"

"No, try putting more emotion into it," Jackson advised, biting his lip in frustration. After all, Mark determined the success of his new album.

Mark grumbled lowly, "Okay, okay. I'll try it again." He rewinded the background music to the beginning and hit play.

"We should get some chills, pullin' up in the brand new wheels. Got with me a couple hundred mills, walk in Rodeo Beverly Hills, ay."

"Yes, perfect!" Jackson held out a hand for Mark to hi-five. The older, however, shook his head with a frown, "I can't celebrate until I actually get the whole thing right."

The idol let out a sigh, "Okay, well i'm gonna go grab a coffee down the road. You want something?"

"No, i'm fine. Go ahead." Mark smiled to the younger, and Jackson felt his stomach twist. Strange. He shook it off and headed out of his studio to café down the street. Jackson would usually be worried about getting caught by fans, but in Mark's body, he really didn't have much to worry about.

"Wait," a girl stopped him, "Are you...Jackson's boyfriend, by chance?"

Jackson immediately took back his prior thought. His fans wouldn't make that big of a deal, right?

"Uh, yeah." He answered, deciding how to quickly avoid a conversation with the girl, "I'm actually heading to the bathroom. So, please excuse me." Jackson bowed and rushed off.

In a matter of seconds, the man entered the café. He walked up to the counter and ordered a latte, two of them just in case Mark ended up wanting one.

Huh, he frowned, Why am I being so nice to Mark?

"6,000 won," the waiter chimed, pausing a second before adding, "You don't happen to be Mark Tuan, right?"

Jackson sighed, not this again. He swiped his card and looked at the girl with a raised brow, "Do I know you?"

"Wow, it's such a small world!" She exclaimed, "I'm Irene! We went to the same high school in LA, remember?"

"Oh, really?" Jackson noticed that the girl did have an American accent.

"Yeah! It's great seeing you again. Wait one second—" She wrote her number on a napkin and handed it to him, "Here's my number. Let's keep in touch!"

"Oh, okay." Jackson grabbed the napkin, flustered. He didn't know what kind of relationship Mark had with this girl back in LA, anyways. He said a 'goodbye' to Irene and took both of the lattes before leaving the café.

He made his way back into the studio, freezing behind the door for a moment to hear Mark rap.

"We gon' boss so hard we made it, fly so high we made it. Trippin' all on we made it. Tell 'em we got sauce we made it."

Jackson smiled in approval before opening the door to find a grinning Mark.

"Jackson, Jackson, did you hear that? I got it right! Finally!" He jumped up and gave the younger a hug. Jackson's eyes widened in surprise, but he ended up wrapping his arms back around the other after setting the coffees down.

He looked at Mark. The older had tried to hard that Jackson couldn't help but find it cute.


Jackson's eyebrows furrowed at the thought. He thought there was absolutely no way he liked Mark. Sure, they were fake-dating, but that was just different. Plus, he thought he had started growing feelings for Jinyoung.

His heart started racing, and Mark backed away and looked into Jackson's eyes, "Um, are you okay? Your heart just started beating really fast. Is it the coffee?"

Jackson laughed.
Just like he thought before, cute.

Another update because I love you guys.

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