T W E N T Y - F I V E

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"Hey, give that back!" Jinyoung shouted, snatching back his milk carton. Jackson rolled his eyes, grabbing it again and taking a sip of the chocolate milk.

"Ew! That's disgusting! I drank that!" Jinyoung stated with a look of horror. He scooted the rest of his meal closer to himself as if it would prevent the other from stealing his food.

Jackson swiftly finished the carton, crushing it and throwing it onto his empty tray, where his own empty milk carton sat.

These few days were confusing to him. He was curious about Irene, but he figured it wasn't right to get into Mark's business. The school week had started, too, and Jackson decided to get Mark's grades up before the other noticed.

Jinyoung suddenly stood up, catching the attention of Jackson. He simply waved and provided a simple explanation, "I'm going to the library to grab a book."

Jackson nodded, a thought suddenly popping up. Jaebum and Jinyoung would be perfect for each other! Jinyoung was Jaebum's type 100%. He smirked to himself, formulating a plan already.

"You want to what??"

"Let's have a double date!" Jackson repeated, scrolling through his instagram feed.

"Jackson, who would we even have a 'double date' with?" Mark asked pointedly. Jackson threw down his phone, looking at Mark at eye-level.

"What if we tried bringing JB and Jinyoung along? I think it'd be great!"

Mark gave Jackson a pointed look, "Jinyoung? The kid you became friends with? And how would we even get JB to come?"

Jackson smirked evilly, "They're both stubborn, but i've got a plan." The boy whipped out a sheet of paper, setting on the idol's bed. Luckily, JB was out for a CF shooting, so Jackson was free to talk about his plan.

"Look, i'll convince Jinyoung to come hang out with me, and you get JB to hang out with you. Then, we'll meet up. Genius, huh?"

Mark mentally facepalmed, "This was the marvelous plan you had?"

"It is pretty marvelous. They won't even realize we set them both up at first!"

Mark let out a sigh, "Sure, I guess." Jackson resorted to doodling his 'marvelous plan' on the sheet of paper he pulled out.

He was drawing Mark's left (stick) arm with permanent sharpie when the other got bored and threw a pen lying around at Jackson's head. Jackson jerked away before gasping in horror, as he observed his now-ruined drawing.

"Mark! You messed up my drawing!"

Mark rolled his eyes, shrugging before bursting out in a fit of laughter at the sight of Jackson's expression. They wouldn't admit it, but the two enjoyed each other's company. Mark was grateful for the body swap.

His happiness would only last a little longer, though.

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