T W E N T Y - F O U R

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Mark groaned as he put a mask on. He was tired, and not to mention that he was about to meet up with the person he despised most on the planet.

Yeah, he thought he made it pretty clear that Irene shouldn't contact him again, but she would attempt to start a conversation here or there. It was time to actually see what she wanted.

"Jackson, you ready?" He called through the speaker on his phone.

The other replied, "Yeah, hyung. I'm almost at the apartment."

"Okay, see you in a second." Mark unconsciously smiled at the thought of seeing Jackson.

Jaebum, who had just stepped out of the shower, looked at Mark weirdly, "Jackson, smiling like that makes you look creepy."

Mark rolled his eyes, throwing a jacket he found on the clothing rack at the boy, "Shut up. I'm leaving!" He waved a hand, leaving the room.

By the time he made it to the entrance of the building, he spotted Jackson standing there. He was bundled up in a fashionable coat, and Mark silently laughed at his clothing choice. He would've never imagined himself in clothes like that.

Jackson finally noticed Mark, waving with a smile, and the two began heading to the cafe where they would meet the girl.

Jackson glanced at the older, "I was just wondering...like what kind of relationship you have with Irene. I mean, since i'm supposed to act like you and all..."

Mark sighed, "Don't worry about it, but don't be too nice to her. We don't have good history, so I'll do most of the talking."

Jackson just nodded before the two entered the meeting destination. They grabbed a table in the back so that fans wouldn't recognize Mark as the infamous Jackson Wang. Now that he thought about it, Irene hadn't acted like she knew who he was at their last encounter.

"Hello~!" Irene suddenly called, as she grabbed a seat across Jackson. She reached her hand across for a handshake, and Jackson gave her a firm shake.

The girl smiled at the boy, "It's been so long, Mark!"

Jackson looked to Mark for help. He didn't know what to say, but luckily, a waitress came to ask for the trio's order in time.

"I'm Soonhyun, and I'll be your waitress. What wo—oh my god, you're Jackson Wang!" She gaped at the boy, nearly squealing out. Mark, alarmed that others would hear, placed a finger on his mouth, silencing the girl.

She bowed, flustered, "I'm so sorry. I'm just a big fan. I'll go grab a water for you all for now."

Mark sent her a smile, "Thank you."

Irene sat with a confused look. She had been ignoring Mark (who she thought was Jackson) since she arrived. However, she pointed a finger at the boy, "Y-You're famous?" She gasped, flabbergasted.

"Um, I guess?" Mark replied, sounding more like a question than a statement. Internally, he pieced together that Irene would be nicer to him now. Everything was about social status to her.

"Wow, let's be friends~! I didn't know because I just moved here!" She flashed a fake smile.

Mark rolled his eyes, "I don't want to. Just, please, leave me and my boyfriend alone. He told me what you've done."

Irene scoffed, "I've never done anything to Mark!"

Only Mark would know how much of a lie that was. He remembered every moment of pain she had given him so vividly.

He grabbed Jackson's hand and stood up. For one last time, he sent a look to Irene, "Get out of my life, and get out of my business. For good."

And with that, he left.

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