T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Hey! I've planned out most of the story now, and guess what?! That means more updates ;) Prepare yourselves for the chapter.

"Mark, get ahold of yourself!" Jackson, shook the other worriedly.

Mark sat there, no expression on his face but tears running. His breaths were short, and he looked lost, confused.

After telling the driver the location, the boy said nothing else. Jackson just sat there clueless.

"Mark!" Jackson tried again.

Mark suddenly flinched, as if snapping out of his trance.

"Um, Mark?"

"SHUT UP!" The other snapped, suddenly annoyed. The car jolted to the right for a second, the driver most likely surprised by the outburst.

Mark just sighed, muttering loud enough for the man to hear, "Please go faster."

The driver nodded, and then grabbed a water bottle from his cup holder. He turned around, "Okay, do you want some water? You look a little str—"

"OH MY GOD" Jackson yelled. It was loud but everything immediately turned silent.

Because all he saw were the blaring lights of a truck before everything turned black.

"He's waking up! Someone get the doctor! Someone!"

"Ugh," Jackson felt like he had smashed his head onto a metal pole, multiple times. When he tried opening his eyes, a blinding white light made him shut them immediately.

"Jackson Wang?" Jackson looked to see who it was, and after a few seconds, his sight refocused.

"Who...who are you?"

The lady smiled sweetly, "I'm nurse Lee. It's nice to see that you're awake. You were in a car crash."

Jackson's eyes suddenly widened, "Wait a minute..." he looked at his hands and touched his face, "I'm in my own body. I'M IN MY OWN BODY!"

"Um, are you sure you're okay?" Nurse Lee asked, her face scrunched up in confusion and concern.

"YES! Where's Mark Tuan? I need to show him!" The idol hopped of the bed, but immediately clutched his head in pain from the sudden movement.

"Ah Mark. The other boy you were with? Or the driver, perhaps?"

"Yeah, the other boy, not the driver." He started limping out of the room.

"Sorry, but the other boy," Jackson stopped, "He's in a coma."

"Um, he's what?" Jackson's eyebrows furrowed. His stomach suddenly clenched.

"He's in a coma."

The boy's eyes widened in surprise and all he could reply with was an "oh."

Nurse Lee sighed, a look of pity crossing her face, "Let's get you back to your bed. You need the rest."


Suddenly a loud ringing interrupted the boy's thoughts. Jackson looked at his phone, which surprisingly survived the crash with a few cracks in the screen.

"That phone was in the other boy's pocket, but since he's in a coma, we figured you could hold onto it." Nurse Lee pointed out.

"Oh, okay."

Jackson squinted to read the caller's name once he grabbed the device, and realized that it was his boss on the other line. Jackson swiped the answer button, and he heard JYP's voice.

"Jackson? How are you doing? The hospital informed your parents, and they just sent an email to me. I called to see if you were awake yet."

"Ah yes, thank you. I'm doing well."

"And," Park Jinyoung pushed, "I noticed that your accident also involved Mark Tuan, right?"

"That's correct, sir."

"Well, Jackson, how is that boy?"

"He-He's in a coma."

The line went silent for a few minutes, "In that case, I have to break off your fake dating contract with Mark."

"What why?" Jackson asked, confusion in his voice.

"Mark is no longer beneficial. He's in a coma. Plus, Jackson, without Mark you get nothing out the contract, too. It's official. I am calling off your fake dating."

"B-But..." Jackson stuttered, wanting to find a reason to say no. Maybe he liked it? Maybe he liked the idea of dating Mark, but nothing was clear.

"Sorry, Jackson. I have to go for a meeting now. Recover soon." Jinyoung finally said, bidding his goodbyes and hanging up.

The boy sat at the edge of his bed, sighing in disappointment. He was conflicted, not sure of what his emotions were making of him right then.

Mark was just removed from Jackson's life? He was just gone? Just like that? Jackson didn't want to accept anything. He simply didn't want to think about it.

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