T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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"Who...is that?" Jaebum's eyes narrowed at the boy that sat across the field.

Mark chuckled, "You interested?"

Jaebum blushed, hurriedly exiting the van, "No. He's just cute."

"Speaking of which, " the singer noted, glancing at the boy once again.

"Hm?" Mark asked.

"Isn't that your boyfriend next to him? Mark?"

"Yeah, and we are having the picnic with them." Mark grinned.

Jaebum shot back around, looking Mark in the eye, "Jackson! You didn't tell me we were eating with other people."

Mark shrugged, "Would you have come then?"

The singer frowned, "Probably not."

Mark chuckled and pulled Jaebum over to the other two.

The boy that Mark assumed was Jinyoung looked up in astonishment, his face turned dark red. "J-Jaebum?"

Jackson chuckled, giving Mark a look.

Jaebum looked down at Jinyoung, eyes shifting left and right nervously, "Uh, yeah. Um, it's nice to meet you."

The other just nodded, "Y-Yeah."

Mark nudged Jaebum, "Okay, get your butt on the blanket. This is supposed to be a picnic."

Jaebum did as told, and then pulled out two sandwiches that had been pre-packed.

Jackson frowned, "Where's my lunch?"

Mark rolled his eyes, "Idiot, you were supposed to pack them yourself."

"You know what," Jaebum said, as soon as he noticed that Jinyoung didn't have a sandwich either, "We can split ours."

"Ugh, fine."

Mark pulled his sandwich apart, and leaned over to hand the other half to Jackson.

"AHH!" He suddenly shouted, jumping and clutching onto Jackson.

Jackson, alarmed, wrapped an arm protectively around the other, "WHAT? WHAT'S WRONG?"

Mark took a few big breaths before saying, "I-It was an ant. Oh god, I hate bugs."

Jackson suddenly let out a chuckle, patting Mark's head.

It was then Mark realized that he was hugging Jackson. He was about to move away until he suddenly thought that he actually liked it there. He was comfortable with Jackson.

"Hey, you okay? You're face is red." Jackson, pulled away, examining Mark's bright red face.

"I-It's nothing," he assured, shuffling back to his spot. The two noted that Jaebum and Jinyoung simply sat, watching awkwardly.

"Why don't you guys talk?" Mark nudged Jaebum.

Jaebum shifted uncomfortably, "Well, I- okay."

"So, what's your name?" He asked Jinyoung awkwardly.

"I'm Jinyoung. Um, and I obviously know your name. I've literally loved your music ever since you debuted, and o— i'm talking too much. Sorry." He looked down, feeling ashamed.

Jaebum let out a laugh, "Don't worry about it. If you don't mind, I'd like to hear more."

Mark and Jackson simultaneously rolled their eyes at how different Jaebum and Jinyoung acted when they were talking to each other.

So, Jinyoung continued talking about how much he loved Jaebum, er, Jaebum's music. The singer just listened happily, feeling himself warm up to the other quickly.

It sure was a happy time.

"Oh! I'm gonna go pick this up." Mark said, grabbing his phone and answering the call. After hearing a few words, Mark's eyes widened.

"Oh my god, i'm on my way right now." He answered the caller, hanging up and running to catch a taxi.

"Mark!" Jackson, called, following Mark with a worried expression.

Mark didn't bother to wait, but Jackson caught up in time, hopping in the taxi with Mark.

"Are you okay, why are you crying?" Jackson asked, alarmed, cradling the fragile boy in his arms.

All Mark could think of were the words of his caller.

"Is this Mark Tuan? This is Seoul Hospital. Your mother has been in a car accident. She's in surgery right now."

Rip. What have I done. :(

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