🍓↷ special chapter

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before we get started, this chapter is not part of the story. i'm so sorry, but this is gonna be crazy

"Woah, what's that?" Mark squinted at the sky.

Jackson, arms around Mark's waist, glanced up, "What, baby?"

"That, that shiny thing," Mark pointed raising his arm to indicate the direction.

"What the—" Jackson yelped when suddenly the sky turned black. That's when he could see it though. The shiny thing.

"Mark?" Jackson looked at his counterpart who seemed just as confused as he was. Suddenly, Mark went flying. Yes, flying, but not in a violent way.

He was flying up, up into the 'shiny thing.'

"No, Mark!" Jackson jumped, catching onto Mark's foot, and up they flew, further away from Earth than they had ever been.

The shiny thing was soon revealed to be a floating metal...gummy bear? Don't ask. The mouth of the bear opened and in Mark and Jackson went.

"Grrrrr," they heard, and out of fear, screamed in unison, "Stream Eclipse!" Don't blame them. They've said it so many times that it came out by instinct.

"W-What's your name?" Jackson asked, scooting Mark behind him and staring at the alien in front of him.

The alien was orange, made of a gelatinous substance that was see through. But, of course, it's organs weren't clear. So here Mark and Jackson were, staring into the eyeballs (the whole eyeball) of this creature.

"L-Lily, GRRR!" The creature growled. (EvilFairy511 )

"What the—" Mark frowned, "Your name's lily? As in L-I-L-Y??"

"Yes?" The alien muttered suddenly in a awfully human-ly voice.

"Oh, hell no," Jackson's eyes widened. The monster began to take form into a tall ginger. A tall HUMAN ginger, "You're a shapeshifter. Oh my god."

"Jackson, can we leave?" Mark asked, kind of disgusted at the fact that skin was growing onto the alien's body.

"Yeah," Jackson said, attempting to grab Mark's hand.

Mark looked away to tie his shoe real quick, "One second."

"Okay, here!" Mark said when he stood up, holding out his hand.

"Let's go," Jackson grinned. Mark noted that the monster was gone. Probably left, he thought.

The lights in the ship suddenly started blinking eerily. Mark squealed in fright, but Jackson led him through the ship to find an exit.

"Ew, my hand's getting slimy," Mark said, glancing at his hands. He nearly choked. Jackson was sweating slime onto him, "That's the most disgusting thing you've ever done."

"Hm? What do you mean?" Suddenly long nails grew onto the hand. Mark glanced at Jackson's face, screaming when he found it to be Sana instead.

"Where's Jackson, Lily!" Mark demanded with a frown after recovering.

Lily just smiled in Sana's form, running off for a second. Within the blink of an eye, she came back with Jackson.

"Jackson!" Mark smiled at the sight of his man, but once Lily let go of him, he fell limp to the ground. The smile dissipated, "He-Is he—He's dead?"

"Bleh!" The body shot up, out of the skin.

"AAAH!" Mark let out wildly, thinking Jackson was shedding.

Luckily, it wasn't Jackson and just one of Lily's friends.

"What's your name?" Mark asked.

"Gmaker," the other one said. (gmaker033 )

"G-Maker? Fine, we can go by code names. I'm a-b-c-d-e-f-g," Mark grinned.

And then the ship began to shake. A mechanical voice appeared, "a-b-c-d-e-f-g, we have come to get you for our needs."

"Where is that coming from?" Mark yelped looking left and right.

The voice continued, "We need you to reproduce our children. All we need is to implant the eggs."

"W-What!" Mark screamed horrified, "No gmaker!! No, Lily!"

But it was too late. The two took him without a word. He was on his way to produce alien kids.

"NO!" Mark kicked and screamed and cried, but it was no use. The eggs were gonna be put into his body.

"Chill, baby!" Mark heard.

"What! Have I already started popping kids out??? Where's the baby?"

and then mark woke up. He saw Jackson in front of him. And they were home, not in some metal gummy bear.

"You're not Lily, are you?" Mark asked warily.

"Who?" Jackson asked.

"Never mind."

a/n: what just happened. i'm so sorry that was real weird

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