Party Time

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My blood boils as I watch Deena flirt shamelessly with Kai, hair twirling, giggling like a school girl flirting, it's disgusting. I'm sure the amount of alcohol I've consumed isn't helping with my anger. She grabs his arm now laughing, her body leaning further into his. He turns then his eyes meeting mine, he looks sheepish, regretful almost, I turn away fast, my heart rate picking up. I scan the area, my eyes landing on Kalani, and Dylan jump dancing, and laughing, I smile. I stare down at my cup, the clear liquid sloshing slightly.
"Why aren't you dancing?" someone asks, I look up to find a guy smirking down at me. He has ashy blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes that I assume most girls die for, but something about him turned me off completely.
"Not in the mood," I tell him, pushing my hair behind my ear.
"It's a party though" he states moving closer. His smirk sends a wave of panic through me.
"I didn't know dancing is a prerequisite to parties" I snide, he chuckles, before taking a long sip of his drink, his Adam apple bobbing.
"You smart, I like it," he says
"I aim to please," I tell him sarcastically.
"I'm sure you do" His response makes me sick, I take a step back, the hairs on my arm standing up.
"You're gorgeous you know that" he slurs slightly, grabbing a lock of my hair, and twirling it around his finger. I push his hand away, he chuckles almost predatorily. 
"Don't touch me" I stand my ground, he moves closer, I can smell the alcohol on him, my throat burns.
"I thought you aimed to please," He says, his eyes locking with mine, I want to turn away, run hide, anything to get away from him, but he has me pinned against the wall. My skin prickles with sweat, my breathing rapid.
"Not you, now if you could get the fuck away from me I would really appreciate it" I demand, my voice stronger than I feel.
"Now, Now, I'm just trying to get to know you sweetheart" he sneers, his voice low. He touches my cheek, his thumb moving to my lips.
"I'm not going to ask you again, move," I say pushing him hard against his chest.
"Woah Bitch you made me spill my drink" he yells, his cheeks red. I stare at the stain on his shirt satisfied.
"Next time listen" I bite back, he huffs. He steps closer, his anger evident in every step.
"Jesse, I suggest you listen to her" Dylan sneers, I look behind Jessie, and find Dylan, Kai, Kalani, and Deena.
"Or what?" he laughs, Dylan steps closer to him, his body stiff.
"Or I'll be forced to kick your ass again" he responds, his voice gruff, and angry. Kai steps up then, his eyes blazing, his knuckles while. Jessie looks between them, I can tell he doesn't want to fight both of them. 
"You've got quite the posse." He sneers in my direction
"I'll go though, I have no time for teases anyway" he continues. Dylan lunges, his fist connects with Jessie's jaw, a pop ringing out against the loud music. He pulls Jessie up by the collar of his shirt, his eyes blazing.
"Don't you ever come near her again" He demands, slamming him into the nearest wall, my feet are glued in place watching in shock. Dylan pulls him off the wall only to slam him back against it, Jessie groans, his head hitting the wall. Finally, he lets him go throwing him in the opposite direction.
"You okay," He asks, I nod.
"Thank you" I respond, pulling him into a hug.
"You sure you're okay?" Kalani asks hugging me next, I nod
"Yeah, I'm fine" I say. I look at Kai now, he seems frozen, staring into space. His hands are balled up tightly, his body rigid.
"Hey, I'm fine" I reassure, he looks at me finally, his eyes melting.
"I'm sorry" he demands, I stare at him weirdly.
"Kai" I reply, moving closer to him, but he backs away looking scared, before rushing off.
"What was that?" I ask, Deena moves to follow him, but I push her back, she looks appalled
"I'll go," I say, she sneers
"I think it's better if I go" she responds, making me roll my eyes.
"No," I say, already making my way through the crowd. It takes me a while, but I finally find him, he's sitting on the curb outside, his head in his hands.
"There you are, I've been looking for twenty minutes," I say, sitting beside him, he shifts but doesn't lift his head.
"Kai please talk to me" I continue, my hand going to push back his hair, he stiffens from my touch, so I pull back.
"Kai," I say again, suddenly feeling useless, maybe Deena should have been the one to talk to him.
"That was him," He says just as I'm about to get up
"Who?" I ask confused, he finally looks up, his eyes filled with tears, panic seizes me
"The guy Luna cheated with, It was Jessie," he says, his voice wavering, my body turns cold anger filling me.
"I'm sorry," I say, he turns fully to me now, his eyes wide.
"I don't care about him, or Luna or even what they did what I'm upset about is that he tried to touch you, and I did nothing" he whispers the last part, a tear falling from his eye.
"I'm okay," I tell him, but he shakes his head.
"Thanks to Dylan you are, I was frozen Violet frozen. He could have hurt you, he could have.." he lets the words fall both of us knowing the possibility.
"You can't possibly believe this is your fault" I state stunned, he nods.
"I saw you guys talking, I thought, I thought you were flirting. Then when he cornered you, I couldn't move Violet. I had to get Dylan" he sounds defeated.
"It's not your fault" I demand, about to touch his face, but he pulls back anger in his eyes.
"You could have been seriously hurt, and I did nothing. You should hate me" he yells now, his voice hollow. He stands now pacing back and forth, his hand running through his hair.
"Hey, listen to me Kai, this is not your fault okay, I'm fine," I yell holding his face still, he looks so broken, my heart hurts.
"I'm so sorry," he says, tears rolling down his face. I can't stand seeing him cry, it feels like someones ripped my heart out.
"Kai" I warn, but he shrinks more into himself.
"I'm so sorry" he repeats, I pull his face close to mine, making him look at me.
"Stop okay, I'm fine," I say before I slam our lips together showing him I don't blame him, how could I possibly blame him. He pulls me in, his arms around my waist. We break apart only because we've run out of air, his forehead against mine. His arms around me feels so natural, so amazingly normal. I never want him to blame himself again, I have to show him it's not his fault.
"What happened is not your fault, It was Jessie who did those things not you," I state, my tone final. His breathing is rapid, matching mine.
"I really fucking love you" he breathes his eyes closed as his fingers trail up my back, sending shivers through me.

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