Operation Sexy

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It's been a week since the whole Haku fiasco, and Kalani has been in pretty good shape, she has been experiencing some mood swings, but that's expected. Dylan's been super supportive of her, I think she may have a crush on him. Kai and I are friends for now, but it doesn't help that he's insanely attractive. I find myself wanting to touch him all over, but I know being Friends is the best decision. Every time I think of him saying for now it makes me smile...
"You okay?" Kalani asks, interrupting my train of thought, I shake myself out of it.
"Yeah, sorry, What's up?" I asked playing with the sand, she smiles.
"I was just wondering what you thought of Dylan?" She asks, a pink tint to her cheeks, I smile.
"He's great, what do you think of him?" I hint, she giggles
"He's cute right?" she asks, watching as he rides a wave, I look between them imagining them together.
"Yeah super cute" I respond, she nods, her hair falling in her face.
"Do you like him?" I ask she looks at me her eyes wide
"Is it obvious?" She asks worried, I shake my head vigorously
"No, not at all I was just wondering" I defend quickly, she relaxes slightly her fingers playing with the tassels on her bikini.
"He's really nice to me, like really nice" she whispers, her eyes glued to Dylan on his surfboard.
"I say go for it, I mean who wouldn't like you," I tell her, she laughs
"He probably just see's me as  a friend" she adds, her tone defeated. She continues to stare at him, a small smile on her lips, when a brilliant idea presents itself to me.
"So make him not see you as just a friend," I tell her, she looks surprised by my answer.
"How?" She asks. I look at Kai now, who's just sitting on his board, his fingers grazing the water, he looks so relaxed, so at peace.
"We just have to show him your sexy side, which won't be hard" I answer, she grins blushing again.
"Can we start tonight?" She asks I nod moving closer so we can devise a plan for the bonfire.
"Yes... operation sexy is a go" I say, making her laugh loudly.
"Are you guys going to talk all day, or I don't know maybe surf?" Kai yells, I stick my tongue out at him, making him chuckle. We rush into the water catching up with Kai and Dylan. Kalani and I make sure to get out of the water before sunset so we can head back to her house and get dressed.
"Okay what about this" Kalani asks coming out of her closet wearing a really tight black dress
"It's super sexy, I just think it's too much for a bonfire" I respond, rummaging through her drawers, she nods heading back into the closet.
"This?" She asks five minutes later, she's wearing a yellow sundress that makes her tan look amazing.
"Hell yes," I say, she smiles twirling.
"Okay, your turn," she says shoving a bunch of dresses at me, I groan.
"No, I'm wearing this," I tell her, she huffs
"You said sexy" she whines
"Yeah for you, I'm not trying to look sexy for anyone," I say, she crosses her arms pursing her lips at me.
"I see the way you look at my brother" she responds, my jaw drops
"I don't... is it that obvious?" I ask plopping down on her bed, she sits next to me
"No, I mean yes to me, but he looks at you like that," she says, and my heart rate picks up
"It's just not the right time" I inquire, she gives me that look again
"Vi, you have too many walls up," she says, I don't know how to respond, anxiety creeping in.
"I, I just cant," I say, words failing me, she smiles sadly at me, her arms going around me.
"Hey, I'm sorry I pushed okay, just try these on, be sexy for yourself" she says, making me laugh. I try on a couple of outfits that look ridicous on me.
"The black one is definetly the best one" she says pushing the black sundress on me, I nod pulling it over my head.
"Alright now the thing I need most help with... Being cool, mysterious" She says, I chuckle. Kalani is one of the coolest people I know, she just has this way about her, so her asking me the anxious, awkward girl for help is hilarious.
"You're joking right?" I ask, she shakes her head
"No, Dylan and you get along so well, just tell me what he likes, how to get in his good graces," she says, I stare shocked, frozen to my spot.
"You are in his good graces, just be you," I say, she smiles and nods. Finally, we head back to the beach, her talking my ear off about how Cute, and sweet Dylan is. I don't mind, I'm glad she's over that scumbag.
"Okay stick with me okay," she says nervously I chuckle 
"Hey you're around him all the time it's going to be okay" I say, she nods, and we head towards the guys.
"There you guys are, where have you been," Dylan asks once he spots us, Kalani instantly smiles.
"We just wanted to change," I say after a long pause, she nods, I can tell she's really nervous this should be fun.
"You guys look really nice," He says smiling, she blushes slightly
"These old things, please," I say, making him laugh.
"Do you guys want a drink?" he asked, Kalani just nods, he smiles before heading to the keg.
"Hey, shake out the nerves, you haven't said one word," I say, she nods her face looking panicked
"Just be yourself K," I tell her, she nods shaking out her arms slightly. He comes back with some drinks, just as Kai walks up to us.
"Where have you guys been," He asks, his eyes tracing my body, I shiver.
"Just went home to change," Kalani tells him, taking a small sip of her beer, he looks at her confused.
"Why?" he asks, she glares violently
"Cause we wanted to, why don't you just tell us how good we look, and leave it at that," I say, he smirks, my body heating.
"You look great" he says, his voice lower than usual, I try not to show the effect his voice has on me.
"Thank you," I say, our eyes locking.
"The waves were amazing today" Kalani blurts, breaking us from our trance.
"Yeah, definitely" I state, not knowing where to take the conversation, she nods awkwardly. We stand there in a tense silence, that's giving me severe anxiety.
"Guys why are we just standing here in silence, It's driving me crazy" I blurt angrily
"Your right this is really weird," Dylan says, a smirk on his face. Finally, Dylan starts talking about how once he wiped out so badly in front of his then crush, and she proceeded to make fun of him, which made him like her more, basically making us all laugh, Kalani more than anyone.
"Kalani, can we talk" Somone interrupts, we all turn and face Haku. My hand instantly goes to Kai to hold him back.
"No you can't I suggest you leave" Kai growls, my arm still blocks his body, but I know I can't hold him back entirely.
"Please" Haku continues. I look at Kalani now, she seem's to be frozen, I grab her hand, and she looks at me, her eyes panicked.
"It's okay" she tells Kai, who looks at her confused. She heads off with Haku, her body stiff.

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