Chapter 31

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Warm saliva dripped on my forehead making me wake up from my nap. Dad was still sleeping. We got tied of standing in the corner so we decided to sit in the corner landing me in his lap.

I looked where all this spit was coming from. The zombie was leaning right over us, the rope was stretched that far!

The zombie was so freaking close! I could see every horrifying detail of her face, smell her dead body odor, and that nasty spit won't stop flying everywhere! I don't think it noticed my movement.

I freaked out and started screaming. That put the zombie in crazy mode. It swung it's arms grabbing me and pulling me towards its mouth. Dad woke up and tried his best to pull me back but there was no room for me to go.

There was a gunshot inside the room. The zombie's beady eyes turned towards the sound and ran over to where it came from.

"Whoa, the rope stretched that far!" Said a voice. It was the leader! "Back you monster!"

He pushed the zombie away with a...riot shield? I'll never have the chance to ask him where he got it. He pushed the zombie over to the other side of the bed then turned to us.

"Hurry up and get out of here!" He yelled. We didn't have to be told twice, we jetted out that door. We would've closed the door on him if it wasn't for the two other guard waiting outside for us.

The leader ran out the room closing the door behind him. You could hear the zombie claw at the door. He turned to us and smiled playfully.

"Well it's official, that rope snapped".  He said. We didn't know what to say. "Actually, I forgot you two where in there!"  He had a fit of laughter.

I clutched my fist in anger. We could've died and this prick thinks it's a joke! Then I took a deep breath realizing getting angry won't solve anything, he'd just throw me back into that room.

"Well now you guys know what happens when  you're trouble, understand?" He said with a smirk.

"I understand". I said softly. Knowing dad, his pride will get in his way. If he didn't agree, he'd be killed for sure.

"I understand". Dad spat. I'm so glad he wasn't stubborn with his pride, I can't handle losing him again.

"Good". The leader said. "Now back to work!"

The pirates dragged us off back onto deck. The sun was setting and everyone was still working hard on deck. They all looked tired and beaten up, I doubt they've been fed or had any breaks.

I quickly worked beside Ozzie. She looked as if she's been kicked dozens of times. Her glasses were also cracked.

They treated us like actual slaves. Working us intill we dropped, not letting anyone eat. I haven't felt this controlled since the market. The sun was long gone when they finally let us rest.

As big as this yacht was, they didn't let us sleep in any bedrooms. We sleep on the deck.

Last night I slept on deck but this deck was really uncomfortable. The chemicals would burn your skin, the deck floor was hard, it was uncomfortable trying to sleep with pirates watching, and everyone was sore.

I hoped this hell would end soon. We need to escape and do it before we reach the inlet because once they get pass that, there's no way out.


"Where is she!" Screamed the leader. He had us lined up against the rail on top deck. He just got reported that a lifeboat is missing along with mom. He thinks we had something to do with it but we're just as shocked as he was.

I really think its too early for all this yelling, fighting, and sunlight. He could've atleast let us rest more.

"Answer me dammit!" He yelled. Everyone was silent. He grabbed Tyler by the neck and shoved him against the rail. If he let go, Tyler would fall overboard.

"You have to have something to do with it!" He accused.

"No I don't, I swear!" Tyler pleaded. He let go of his neck and went over to dad leaving Tyler on his knees gasping for air.

"She's your wife, you have to know". He spat.

"Well I don't!" Dad said firmly. "And if I did, don't you think I would've had the kids go with her!"

The leader fell silent knowing that what dad said made sense. Before he could say anything else a pirate approached him.

"Captain, we've arrived at the fort". The pirate said. Captain snatched a telescope away from the pirate and looked ahead.

A wide smile spread across his face. "Raise the red flag". He commanded. The pirate ran off to do what he was told. Then captain turned to us.

"Get ready guys, your about to be inside of a real fort". With that, he left us staring at the fort.

It was more like a blockade. Cruise ships, cargo ships, yachts, shrimp boats, speed boats all stretched across the whole inlet. There was no way through them. You could see thousands of armed men on the ships. They probably all work for this evil captain so they're all bad guys. If we were still on our boat, we would've made it to the inlet and probably been shot down.

"Leo, where's mommy?" Ozzie asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to her.

"I dunno, maybe dad knows". I said. "Him and mom probably hatched up a plan and he's covering for her". We made our way to dad and asked him the same thing.

"I don't know either". Dad said. "She never said anything about escape...I wish she told me". "I don't know where she would go".

"Maybe she left without you guys, she's probably not coming back". Tyreese muttered as he walked pass us. He said it loud enough for me to hear on purpose.

I was the only person who heard that. What he said got under my skin. Why would he say something like that?

It is possible that she could've left us for good just to save her own skin. That's what most people would do. She already betrayed this family once, she could have no problem doing it again.

Damn you Tyreese, you got me over here doubting my mother. She'd never abandon us and that's final. Now I'm mad at him for saying that.

"Is mommy leaving us?" Ozzie asked.

"No sweetness, mommy would never do that". Dad insured.

"We just need to have faith in her". I added with half of me not believing that. I retreated to the point of the yacht.

In a few more minutes we would port by all those boats and swarmed by all those pirates.

Tyreese's words still stung. Seriously tho, why would he say something like that. I know my mom is gonna come back...she has to.

I looked back at Tyreese. He was smiling and talking to Alex. I rolled my eyes and turned away.

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