Chapter 1

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-Time Skip: A YEAR LATER-

I stood outside the King's Orphanage. Apparently London DID still have orphanages and even after a year it was hard to think of myself as an orphan. My birthday was in ten days and unlike every other child in the world I wished it wouldn't would come; after all it was the one year anniversary of my parent's deaths. I sighed running a shaking hand through my fire red locks that had been combed, because someone had decided to adopt me. Even I was surprised because usually no one wanted a teenager. I had changed from a goofy dork who laughed and smiled a lot to a boy who was barely unrecognizable. I never smiled or laughed anymore but who could blame me. I mean, my parents had died.

The sound of gravel crunching caught my attention and I turned my eyes that once shimmered with happiness but were now dull to the drive seeing a black SUV driving up it. 'A obvious rich persons car...' I thought to myself quietly kicking a tuft of grass that was nearby. 'I doubt that car is for me...' The car came to a hault in front of the Orphanage and a man in a black suit with sunglasses on got out from the drivers side. He walked the the back right door and opened it revealing a pair of people. A man and a women who looked pretty but odd to be exact. They got out and I gulped quietly looking at the women thoughtfully. She reminded me of a hot man. I blushed slightly shaking my head rolling my eyes at myself. I sighed and the blush faded. I curiously followed them into the manor which was the orphanage.

They came to a stop in the lobby and sat down on a plush old couch. Like, from Revolutionary War old which is AWESOME, because you know Hamilton. Heh... never mind. I walked up to them yawning largely and stretched putting my hands on my head entangling my fingers in my hair to keep them on my head. "Hi." I say gruffly. I had become a punk to be honest. A punk ass kid which was honestly just a front because I didn't want to get hurt.

The man looked up his hands clasped together. He had an expensive looking watch on his right wrist. He had black short hair that was as messy as my hair usually was. I liked my hair messy actually. His grey blue eyes smiled even when he wasn't smiling and he smiled softly, crinkle laugh lines appearing under his eyes. "Why hello there and who might you be young man?" He asked me.

I snort quietly with laughter. "Young man? You're like twenty-one." I raised my eyebrow then my face went cold again and I looked away being grumpy again. "Name's James. James Queensland."

The women smiled lacing her fingers together. "Ah, so you are the child we decided to adopt." She gave me the sweetest smile but her voice had this trill to it like she really wasn't a female. I tilted my head thoughtfully looking at her cutely. She laughed softly and reached out ruffling my hair affectionately messing it up. I found myself smiling softly again. How did they get me to smile not once but twice?

Ms. Darthorn bustles out of the her office her severe face scary as always and she scowled when she saw me. I guess I hadn't been a great guest here. I often was the source of trouble. At first I hadn't meant to cause the trouble but soon it turned into small intentional things. Then, I admit it got out of hand pretty quickly when I ended up starting a small fire in the kitchen when I was supposed to be cooking supper. Thankfully the fire was put out. I hadn't actually meant to set the fire, I would never hurt the children here who had become like family even if I wouldn't admit it; but I got in deep trouble anyways. Then there was the time when I punched a hole in the wall of my room because some kid stole something important to me. What still pisses me off is the kid didn't get in trouble and I did. So, basically what I'm telling you is Ms. Darthorn is a old cad.

She turned to the couple who was supposedly supposed to adopt me and showed a strained smile. "Welcome to the King's Orphanage are you the people who are going to adopt James." She said my name with a venomously sweet tone obviously she was planning on scaring them away before they signed the adoption papers. The two people nodded and stood up following Ms. Darthorn into her office. I sighed sitting down on the posh couch watching them enter her office with the familiar sinking feeling that maybe I wouldn't get a family again. Just like the four other times a family had been interested Ms. Darthorn chased them away with stories of my wild behavior. After each family had backed out of the adoption my behavior had gotten a little worse and day after day my depression had gotten worse. Ms. Darthorn is honestly a monster.


Ten minutes later the two people come out both smiling largely holding some papers. I looked at them eyes slightly wide in surprise. Had they actually signed the adoption papers. Do I have a home now...? My breath caught slightly as I dared to hope that I was going to have a family again. However, in all honesty I was scared of having a family again because what if... what if I lost them again. I sighed shaking my head at myself. I shouldn't think like that besides why would they really want to adopt me...?

"Come on James." The women held out her hand. "Let's go home. My name is Chris and this is my husband Sam."

"Home..." I breathed the word I hadn't uttered in a very long while standing up and slowly took her hand and she lead me out of the orphanage I despised and to freedom, to a new home.


(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!

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