Chapter 14

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I clambered through that small, dusty, and cramped passage for a bit but soon came tumbling out in a puff of dust. I sneezed getting up dusting myself looking around to see where I had ended up in the Schuyler manor. I seemed to be in a corridor; possibly in the west wing of the manor. I began to slightly panicked. I hated being alone especially in a huge estate which I barely knew how to navigate. I took a shaky breath feeling embarrassed a bit because I was seriously close to tears. A set of hurried footsteps echoed behind me. I turn to face them finding a very worried Burr, "There you are!" He said relieved.

I straightened my clothing nervously, "Y...Yes..." I stammer unsure I wasn't going to keel over and faint,

Burr reached out and steadied me with a worried expression, "Let's get back to the group." He said helping down the corridor while I debated 'killing' him but decided against it.


The night ended with me getting caught by Hamilton and Burr, "Ah-Ha! Jacob is the murderer!" Exclaimed Alexander, a huge grin on his face.

I grin back and raise my hands in a movement of surrender, "Awwww, you caught me!"

Phillip Schuyler sighed and when he spoke he sounded disappointed it was over, "The investigation closes when younger brother Ezra finds his older brother Jacob guilty of murdering their father." He smiled as he ended the game. "Alright, thank-you all for participating! Good night everyone!"


Burr and I were walking down the drive towards our carriage discussing the events of the evening's game when Washington hurried to stride along side us. Burr looked over confused, "Yes, General Washington, sir?"

"I have a favor to ask of you, Aaron." Said Washington sounding slightly anxious.

"Depends. What do you need?" Burr asked looking over the anxious looking Washington, slightly concerned about him but also not really wanting to deal with more problems; I was one of them... probably.

"I have a son-" Washington began but was cut off by a flabbergasted Hamilton, who broke in the conversation rudely. He had slung his arm over my shoulders and winked at me resulting in a very annoyed expression with a slight blush from me.

"You have a SON?!" 

I rolled my eyes, "That's what he just said, Hamilton."

Someone put their arm on my head using me as an arm rest. I looked up an annoyed expression on my face again blushing slightly to see Mulligan who grinned down at me, "Hey James."

"Anyways!" Cut in Burr rolling his eyes sighing, "Continue, sir." He looked to Washington who had a half annoyed look and half amused look.

"Can you please take him in. His mother recently passed away and I cannot look after myself. His name is Ash." Pleaded the general.

Burr sighed. I could tell his instincts told him it was the right thing to do but he was reluctant to follow them. Finally he seemed to have decided and he nodded, "Alright." He turned to me, "Seems I have a new little one, beside you, to take care of."

My annoyed expression deepened and I slightly pouted childishly, "I am NOT little!" I said indignantly.

Burr rolled his eyes and I chuckled quietly, "Excuse me, Alexander, Hercules, James and I must be getting home." I nodded and slipped out from under Hercules's and Alex's arms hurrying to follow Burr into our carriage.


(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!


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