Chapter 15: Valentine's Day AU One Shot

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{(A/N) SO! JAMES WILL SPEND THE DAY WITH..... King George III} Type: Soulmate(mark)

King George III was a tyrant, yes that is true but there was a side to him that only he would show his soul mate. You see, ironically, the king himself hadn't found his soul mate yet. Everyone had a birthmark they were born with and their soul mate had one that was corresponding. King George III's marks was a black howling wolf on his left shoulder.

James Rosa Queensland was a soldier in the rebellion against the king. He was as loyal and fierce as a wolf, and as some of you have guessed he had a howling wolf upon his right shoulder blade. However, his was white. The king had sent out red coats to attack and capture men from an encampment. James had been posted as the watchman. He wasn't exactly a great one. As the red coats began to sneak in, he was falling asleep. The loud sound of a musket being fired jerked him awake and alerted him to the presence of the attackers. James scrambled up and sounded the alarm.


James stumbled along being led blindfolded, bound and gagged off of a ship along with two other prisoners. The footsteps echoed loudly through the halls made of marble and then they were jerked to a hault. "Well well well." A familiar flamboyant voice spoke, "Who do we have here? Aaron Burr, I presume?"

"You!" Burr's voice spat bitterly.

"Oooh! And the famed Alexander Hamilton, himself." The eccentric voice continued.

"The hell did you bring us here?!" Alexander said angrily.

But, the voice James now knew as King George, tisked, "Now now language Hamilton, language. Now... who might you be?" The king hummed and James felt someone cup his chin moving it side to side. "My! James you certainly have grown!" The king said in twisted delight.

James's and the other's blindfolds were ripped off causing each of the three captive men to squint against the sunlight they had become unaccustomed to while blindfolded. James's face shaded a light red when his eyes fell onto the king.


James was cornered in King George's own quarters. "Show me your mark James." He spoke coldy, dangerous.

"I am NOT taking off my shirt!" James stubbornly protested eyes wide.

The king advanced, struggled a bit with James for a few minutes and finally managed to slip James' shirt off revealing his white wolf mark on his right shoulder blade. The king gasped, James' shirt falling to the ground. Despite the utter embarrassment of his shirt being taken off his curiosity got the better of him, "What is it...?"

Without speaking the king pulled of his own shirt showing his own mark, the black wolf. James' eyes widened a bit then like two magnets, the king being negative and James being positive being drawn together they drew closer to each other. Their lips collided and both kissed the other deeply. James and King George III were soul mates.




(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!

So, this is my first AU, so forgive me if it's bad. I hope you enjoyed and thank-you all so much for your support! (^-^)


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