Chapter 19

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Hercules and I sat together alone underneath a tree. Hercules stared at me making my cheeks pink. I was avoiding his gaze as best as I could by staring at my hands that were clasped together in my lap. We had been sitting in an awkward silence for a little bit now. Mulligan broke the silence suddenly by lifting my chin so our eyes met and he murmured with a small smirk, "Shall I kiss you?"

My face turned bright red along with my whole body and I let out a soft sound like a mouse being trodden on. Hercules chuckled, leaned in and suddenly our lips connected. My eyes widen for a split second then I melted into the kiss, kissing back and my eyes closed.


I lay in my bed touching my lips slightly confused about what just happened with Mulligan this afternoon. It was now currently evening. 'We kissed!' I thought in pure bliss and slight embarrassment as my face heated up just by thinking and replaying that moment in my head. I covered my face suppressing a squeak of happiness.

There came a knock on my bedroom's door and Ash's voice called from the other side of it, "James? I need to speak with you. It's urgent."

I let out an annoyed sigh, "Come in!" I called then muttered to myself, "Ciel Phantomhive much..." I paused trying to figure out my own words and I finally settled on someone I must have known who acted a bit like Ash or something but a strange word had accompanied it, Anime. Strange.

Ash opened the door, came in and shut the door. As he turned around it was revealed he was holding something in his hands. I eyes what he was holding, very curious about what it was. It was small, rectangular,chunky and metallic. It seemed to be made of strange materials I couldn't name. I felt an odd tingling sensation as this thing felt very very familiar to me. Ash made his way to my bed and sat down besides me.

"What's that?" I asked curiously intrigued, gesturing at the compact strange metallic object in his grasp.

"This," He held it up so I could better see it, "Is a 'Mobile Cellular Smart Phone'." He eyed me to see what my reaction would be seeming slightly hopeful I might recognize what it was.

I furrowed my brow, pursing my lips as a small headache began to pound in my head, "...Uhm..."

Ash sighed, "This is going to be more difficult than I had first thought..." His voice had the underlying tone of someone who was trying to be patient but really was not a patient person.

I raised my eyebrow confused, "What is?" I questioned very confused about what exactly was happening right now.

Ash shook his head as he stood up, "Never mind about that." He slipped the cellular smart thingie in to his coat pocket and left my room leaving me in a confused silence.


"JAMES! WAKE UP!!" Burr's loud voice startled me awake from a rather good dream about food.

I scramble up from my bed, tripping as my right foot got tangled in my blankets and I fell, "Ugh! What the bloody hell?!" I yelp sleepily confused.

Several people began laughing at my predicament and I was helped up by none other than a chuckling General George Washington. "Careful there, son." He said sounding rather amused.

I blink confused. Geez, I was spending most of my time being confused and it was starting to tick me off. "Err... why are you here, sir?" I asked.

Washington's face sobered up almost instantaneously, "I came from Kip's Bay. I am in dire need of assistance and Hamilton, my right hand man requested Lafayette, Mulligan, Laurens and you to come help with our situation."

"I'm young, scrappy and hungry just like my country." I laughed quietly and Washington smiled indulgently.

"I'll take that as a yes. Alright, I will return tomorrow to collect you, Lafayette, Mulligan and Laurens. I am thankful for your assistance." Washington said as he left Burr's home.

Next moment I was engulfed in an enormous bear hug from Laurens, Lafayette and Mulligan. I blushed shyly and hugged back relaxing. 'I hope this lasts forever...' I thought wishfully.


(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!


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