Chapter 17: AU Chapter (Part 1)

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I strode down the street hurrying to deliver a letter to one Alexander Hamilton. I was a soldier of the US forced into betraying. The letter was a notice of a duel between Alexander and a red coat officer. See, if I didn't do exactly as they said they'd hurt my sister. Suddenly a shot rang out and I felt pain in my side. I stumble into a wall and gasp confused. The world began to spin. I leaned against the wall next to me gasping quietly and black spots began  to dance in front of my vision. I slip down the wall and I heard footsteps hurrying towards me. Someone leaned down and out a hand near my heart feeling for a heartbeat. Slowly I passed out.


I groaned weakly in discomfort as my eyes flutter open weakly. I pushed myself up gingerly and looked around weakly. I was in a house now. A man walked in, "Are you alright?" He asked as he went to me checking my forehead, "I am Aaron Burr." He introduced himself.

"Err... I am James. James Queensland." I moved away from his touch as I slip out of the bed, "And I have a mission. I got to go." 

Aaron stopped my with a concerned look on his face, "You are still injured." He commented. 

I shook my head and sighed, "I have to deliver a letter to one Alexander Hamilton." I announced slightly annoyed. I wanted to get this terrible job over quickly.

Aaron sighed, "Alright. I'll get Alexander for you. Stay here and rest." He left the room.

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