Chapter 2

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Chris and Sam were Americans from New York City. Chris, as some of you smarties might have figured out was a man. He liked to dress up in women's clothing so yup guys, I now have two gay dads. This will be a bumpy ride for me because, yah know I'm a very closeted gay. I didn't even know I was gay back then so forgive me for my cluelessness.

They pull up to the airport and park. I was extremely nervous about riding in a plane, having never done it before but Chris took my hand reassuringly and gave me a sweet smile. His blonde wig looked like convincing real hair. His lips were a pink from a rosey lipstick and he did look quite feminine but if you looked at him for awhile it was obvious she was actually a he. "Don't worry. I got nervous on my first flight, dear." His bell like voice soothed my nerves and I just nod. I still felt a little queasy. I just nodded weakly in response as we clambered out of the black vehicle's warm interior out into the chilly night air. We hurried into the terminal. I was in for a rather rough sleepless ride to New York City, the home of Broadway. I hoped maybe my new parents would take me to see a show of Hamilton. Maybe just maybe...

-TIME SKIP: Hours Later-

I jolted from the fitful rest I had managed to fall into only thirty minutes prior as the plane jerked wildly from Turbulence and the pilot's voice came onto the intercom. "We will be arriving shortly at our destination, New York City." I took a glance out the window nervously. I had always been afraid of heights but what surprised me was that this wasn't so bad... maybe.

Sam leaned forward handing me a paper bag an amused smile on his face as he saw my face visibly develop a green hue as I was about to vomit. "You'll be fine soon James." He reassured trying to cheer me up. "Hmmm... how about a joke?"

I looked at Sam skeptically. "A joke?" I raised my red eyebrows slightly unsure about this.

"Oh, don't get such a nervous look on your face sweetie!" Chris said and gave me one of his signature sweet reassuringly motherly smiles. I sighed then rolled my eyes thinking, 'Oh, what the heck!' "Okay sure." I said aloud watching Sam slightly unsure if this was going to be a dad joke or actually good humor.

"Knock knock." Sam said a huge mischievous smile spreading across his face. My gods, he looked like a professional business manager or something but he sure was child like. Ah! Yeah, a man child is what they are called.

"Whose there?" I replied with the appropriate answer feeling slightly uncomfortable with this whole situation.

"Broken pencil." Smirked Sam an excited gleam coming into his eyes. Yup, definitely a man child.

"Broken pencil who?" I asked feeling a little like this wasn't going to end well, but I guess I didn't really expect his jokes to be funny. Boy, was I wrong!

"Never mind, It's pointless!" He emphasized pointless then began snickering.

I burst out laughing hard and snorted while I laugh. I cover my nose embarrassed but kept laughing and snort. "Good one!" I managed after a while and took a shaky deep breath to calm myself.

"We'll be arriving in five minutes to our destination. Please put your seat belts on and prepare for landing." The pilot's voice said over the intercom and I hurriedly click mine into place.


I stood at the luggage retrieval center with Sam as Chris had gone off to buy us something to eat. Sam had begun to check his wrist watch periodically and finally I had to ask, "Are you late to a very important date?" I allowed myself a small smile at my reference to Alice-in-wonderland.

Sam looked up blinking out of a reverie and smiled appreciativly at my reference. "Oh, no I'm just tired. We need to get home soon."

"There's my luggage!" I said suddenly and grabbed my battered old suitcase I had packed years ago with the stuff from my old life. I wondered if I'd get new things since I'd basically be starting a new life.

Sam smiled and nodded. "Come on, Let's meet Chris and get you some food." He took my hand and guided me through the dense crowds of the airport as I clung to my battered suitcase like my life depended on it. I didn't want to loose it. After all, It did contain all my worldly possessions. We soon came to a subway and we spotted Chris waiting for us in the semi long line to order. We hurried and joined him in the line. I yawned feeling Jet leg bad and I checked my own very battered old watch.

"What the?!" I exclaimed as I looked back and forth between the clock hanging on the subway wall and my own wrist watch dazedly confused. I hadn't really expected that much of a time difference. I guess I was an idiot not to though.

Chris looked startled and a worried expression crossed her face then she looked at what my actions were and stifled a giggle. "Time zone difference a big shock, dear?" he asked and I just nodded embarrassed.

"I'm just like my country. I'm young, scrappy and hungry." I sang quietly to myself as the Que finally moved up and we were next.

We sat in the venue eating or sandwiches. I had gotten a cold cut, Chris had gotten a spicy Italian and Sam had gotten a turkey and ham. My sandwich was more sweet than spicy. We soon finished and threw away our trash heading out of the doors the bell above it tinkled merrily and I smiled feeling very happy for the first time in a while. Actually completely happy.


(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!

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