Chapter 20

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All good things must come to an end. Especially in a war. I know that's not what anyone wants to hear. It had been only a day since I had arrived in the dug-out and I was already extremely stressed. I was pacing back and forth wringing my hands anxiously. "Calm down, son." Washington said trying to soothe me. When I did not answer and began pacing a little faster working up a nervous sweat he intercepted me, grabbing my arm and made me stop, "James." He said firmly, Calm down. You are fine." He then brung me into a sudden tight hug.

"What's wrong?" Mulligan walked in and immediately noticed the situation. He hurried over and pulled me away into his arms holding me tightly and confortingly; unintentionally looking a bit over protective.

"James is having a small panic attack." Explained Washington, a glimmer of a smirk on his face.

I automatically relaxed in his arms, blushing slightly. "Not anymore... thanks Mulligan."

Mulligan reluctantly let me go from the hug and ruffled my hair grinning, "No ptoblem, James."

I blushed a little more and gave a kid like adorable almost anime esque grin. Both Mulligan and Washington chuckled at this. Then, there was a sudden bang of a musket being fired. "Crap!" Washington growled under his breath, his face immediately going intense. We were under attack from the British forces. Washington hurried off to start giving commands.

Mulligan grabbed to muskets, throwing one to me and I caught it awkwardly fumbling to get a good grip on it. "Keep that handy." Warned Mulligan as he raised his, his eyes darting around for any unusual movements.

Hamilton darted towards us looking a bit stressed, "The British are attacking... I've got a plan." He was rapping now and I olled my eyes amused a little.

Mulligan now had a huge grin on his face, "Bruh!"

"We've got to dedilitate them, like a stool with three legs." I rapped, terribly right now, I know but It's all I had.

"Bruh!" Mulligan chimed in again.

"We should steal canons from the British forces and maybe a few horses!" Exclaimed a rapping Hamilton.


"That sounds like a plan, just like a right hand man." I finished the rap and we, all three, high-fived one another grinning. At least we had a half formed plan. What could go wrong?


Do NOT, I repeat do NOT EVER EVER ask a question like that before doing something like this because chances are fate will smirk and be huge bitch by doing ten times worse than you thought. "Get down!" Hissed Hamilton as he pushed Mulligan and I down hard to the dry, hardened, and hot dirt ground. We lay behind a rock wall at the edge of a British encampment and we could hear the thudding footsteps of three redcoat gaurds passing. I was unconsciously shaking from fear. I felt Mulligan take my hand reasuringly and I slowly tried to relax. We all collectively let out a breath we didn't know we had been holding as soon as the current danger had passed.

Hamilton peeked over the rock wall anxiously and then slid down it, facing us. He nodded at us signalling it was all clear. "Come on now..." He spoke in a hushed slightly shaky voice, obviously still anxious about nearly getting caught. "Where are the canons kept...?" He asked aloud to no one in particular.

My head burst into a huge headcahe and I let out a soft wimper holding my head shaking. I barely felt Mulligan or Hamilton putting their hands on my back anxiously nor hear them as they called my name in hushed worried voices. My vison faded and I was reliving a memory.

I sat at the docks on a suitcase with my sister, Julie besides me. She was looking at me with the sadness only a child could muster, "Big brother... do you HAVE to go...?" She asked in her small eleven year old voice.

I sighed running a hand through my fire red hair shaking slightly as I tried to hide my anxiety from my baby sister as a good big brother always should try to do, "Yes, Julie. The king himself has decreed me to go repent for my sin. I must do this for Great Britain and the king. He said if I do this for him he will forget... the little incident."

My sister gave me an innocent look of curiousity, "Big brother...? What do you have to do?" 

"....I'd rather not get you involved in this Julie." I replied bravely as a huge ship came into the harbor. I said good bye to my younger sister, took up my case and boarded the ship.

My memory did a small time skip then.

I stood in a large tent, which looked to be a general's tent but this was one of the British General, Thomas Gage. He was breifing me on my station as spy for the British Royal Army. 

I was jolted from my memory by Mulligan and Hamilton who were both urgently shaking me. Hamilton had two canons beside him and he was anxiously watching me, "James? Are you alright?" Hamilton asked worriedly. 

I was in a nervous sweat and I gulped very unsure what to do. What had I just remembered? It scared me and I honestly didn't know how to deal with this new information.


(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!

If anyone was wondering about who Thomas Gage was:


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