Chapter 27

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"..." The man rubbed his face and sighed,  "We are your parents. Just rest. You need it" Both people got up and left the room. I closed. My head throbbed and I spiraled down into darkness.

The next time I opened my eyes it seemed to be the middle of the night. I heard a soft steady beeping. I moved my arm and felt an odd tug. I looked down confused and saw a needle and a tube connected to my arm. A strange clear liquid was flowing through it. I felt better than I had ever felt in a very long time. I produced a rather large yawn, then sat up in bed as best as I could trying to not get tangled up in all the tubes and the paper thin hospital gown that I wore. I shivered as my skin goosebumped. There was a soft knock on the door. I looked up confused. 'Who would be visiting me this late at night? Also... wherein actual hell am I...?' I gulped nervously as the door was pushed slightly ajar then someone VERY familiar slid through it and shut it with a quiet click. He turned around to face me.

"Ash??!!" I gasped, mouth falling open in shock.

Ash shushed me quickly and hurried to sit by me. "Yeah, it's me. Are you okay?"

"Uh... I have so many questions." I whisper back. I felt so lost and confused right now. As much as I did when I first have lost my memory.

"Remember how I said I was from the future?" He asked.

"Uh, what now?"

"Damn, I must have not said anything." He cursed, the sighed. "Right. Well... So... uhm, I'm from the future and so are you. You just can't remember and... well, we are in the future right now."

I looked at Ash like he was crazy, "What?? That makes no sense."

My necklace began to glow and Ash began to panic, "Please! Listen to me! Before its too-"

His voice faded and the scene around me began to change. I was back in bed but sitting up like I had been in that mysterious bed. Burr came in just then with my glass of water and handed me it. I gratefully took it and gulped it down, "Thanks... I just had an odd a dream." I said and Burr sat down in the armchair and looked me over.

"You did? What about?" He asked curiously.

"I don't want to talk about it..." I sighed.

Burr smiled, "The good news is that you look perfectly alright now." His smile changed to slightly apologetic and sad, "I need to get back to New York and you and Mulligan must go onto your mission." He said.

I nodded quietly, "Your right." I gingerly slipped out of my bed and stretched my stiff muscles. "Where is Mulligan?"

"Sleeping. You should go see him. He will be happy to see you." Said, Burr, as he stood up and walked over hugging me, "Call on me anytime. I'd always be glad to come and help you." With that, he slid out of the room and left me alone in the room. 

I took a deep steadying breath and walked out heading to the room Mulligan was in. I knocked on it and a few moments later he opened the door sleepily. When he saw me all his sleepiness disappeared and hugged me tightly, "Oh my god! I was so worried!!" He gasped and I patted his back consolingly.

"I'm okay... but we must head out to our mission now." I said quietly, "We have wasted enough time as it." 

JHe shook his head, "You were sick!"

"Come on. Let's go. Please..." I said quietly and he sighed nodding. 

"Alright." He turned to grab our swords and handed me my light rapier and sheathed his own bayonet. We said goodbye to Samuel and hurried out of the door ready for whatever might come in the future.

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