Chapter 3

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We walked outside into the chilly morning air as we head towards a limo parked outside. We clambered in and we were off to my new home. I gazed out my window at the glittering lights of New York. They entranced me. I felt myself being lulled to sleep by the movement of the car.


I was shaken awake by Chris. "It's time to wake up James, sweetheart." He humms cherfully and I groan protesting to waking up.

"Five more minutes mum..." I open one eye groggily and he giggled.

"Teenager much." He chided and I rolled my eyes sleepily yawning and sat up rubbing my eyes childishly.

"I am a teenager." I reminded him yawning largely, a bit like a cat and stretched. Sam had gotten out already and opened the door to Chris's side of the door. He jokingly bowed. "Milady." he said to Chris grinning goofily. The same goofy smile that I had often worn what felt like forever ago. Well, seemed like forever ago. It was a year ago of course. Chris slipped out of the vehicle and clung to Sam winking playfully at him and Sam's face went bright red.

I repressed the totally teenager urge to say ewww and laughed quietly clambering out after Chris. "Come on, you two love birds. I'm sleepy..." I did my best childish whine and both laughed ruffling my hair.

"Come on then." Sam said guiding me up to a huge manor estate. The yard was massive and impressive with a small grove of trees in the back. A pond, more like lake lay besides the forest and a fountain sat in the middle of the courtyard. The grass was very brilliantly green though due to the summer heat during the day some patches were parched. It was nearing afternoon and the summer sun was scorching. We hurried into the enterence hall and a maid came from a side door nearby.

She smiled cheerily. "Welcome home sirs! How was your trip?"

"Wonderful Masie thank you. Can you take James to his room?" Asked Sam taking a business like tone.

"Of course!" Replied the maid and she beckoned me, "This way young sir." I found it odd to be called young sir. I grabbed my suitcase and Chris smiled.

"Leave that here sweetie. The maids will bring it up for you. Trust me, you won't want to lug that up how many staircases you'll be climbing." Smiled Chris and I somewhat reluctantly left it in the foyer. I followed the maid up seven staircases and finally when I thought I was seriously going to die she stopped so abruptly I accidentally bumped her.

I muttered a tired apology and she smiled reassuringly. "No harm done." She said opening a door and gesturing for me to enter it. "This is your room young sir."

"It's James please..." I replied quietly feeling slightly uncomfortable at being called young sir.

"Alright... James, sir." Masie said respectfully. "I'll leave you now. Your bag shall be up soon but for now you should get accustomed to your room. Also, The sirs want you to know they left a welcome home present on your pillow." With that Masie the maid left me standing outside an open door in a massive manor alone. I took a deep breath and entered my new room looking around. It was amazing. The bed was a fourposter like it was straight out of a Harry Potter film. It's drapes were a royal purple with gold thread stitching around it. They looked like they were velvet, most likely were. All the furnishings: dresser, nightstand and all looked to be of mahogany and Madrona, but I didn't pay attention to all this because on my star patterned pillow lay a ticket to none other then the broadway show Hamilton itself. Next to it was a backstage badge pass.


(A/N)  I know there hasn't been alot of Hamilton, just mentions here and there but, finally he got the backstage passes he'd been wanting! So, let the Hamilton begin XD

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