Chapter 26

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At the break of dawn I awoke. I was a trembling mess and my hair was matted in the back and sides from my constant movement as I had slept. I felt terrible. Like Death itself was close to stealing me. My vision was splotched with black spots but I saw Burr sitting across from my bed in an army chair, his eyes half closed. I groaned weakly and his eyes immediately opened. "James?" Burr asked worried, looking me over, "I came as soon as I received the letter,"

I gave him a weak goofy grin, "Mmm..." I mumble in response, to weak to say anything else.

"I'll get you some water." Burr said, getting up and exiting the room. 


A few moments later I was started awake again. I looked over at the giant grandfather clock in the corner of the room. No, not only but three minutes had passed since I had fallen asleep and Burr had left to get me water. The time passage couldn't have awoken me so harshly as this. Then, I realized what had awoken me. A soft bright blue glow came from under my shirt. I gripped the black the cord and pulled out the crystal to find it was glowing brightly with a bright sky blue. My eyes widen in shock as the glow grew brighter till it was a blinding pure white which enveloped the room and everything it it as well. Then, I was collapsed against a wall. I felt a lurch in my stomach and I heaved throwing up again. I groan, shaking and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand confused about everything; where I was, what was going on and what had happened in the first place.

"James!" A voice cried and I felt two pairs of arms catch me as I slipped down the wall more, falling. My vision darkened and I passed out.


The first I came aware of as I began to awake was an odd beeping sound. Then I came aware of soft but papery sheets underneath me and then my eyes flutter open. I blink a few times, confused. I could tell at least that I was in a hospital but something about it seemed off. It looked and felt and sounded... space age. I turned my head this way and that inspecting my surroundings. I felt like Captain America when he first awoke in a different time, not that I knew who that was right now but it is a good analogy. 

"James! Darling! Are you alright?! What happened?!"

A voice snapped my attention to two people sitting at my bedside. They were super familiar,

"Uhh..." I blinked awkwardly. "I'm fine but... uh..." I paused. I didn't want to sound rude or mean when I broke the news that I didn't know who the hell these two were.

"But what, dear?" The 'women' asked.

"Err... I kind of don't know who you guys are..." I replied shyly.


(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!



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