Chapter 5

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As I began to wake up the first thing I experienced was the hard ground, the stench of gun powder and the tangy sickeningly sweet aroma of blood. I next came aware of was the sounds of guns being fired and the clang of swords clashing together. My eyes sluggishly open and I stare up at the sky. It was blue and white clouds drifted lazily by and patches of it were polluted by gun smoke. My body was numb and I felt an aching pain in my side. I weakly touched my side confused as I bring my hand to my face. My hand was stained with blood and I realized with absolute horror I had a gun wound in my side, I had no idea where I was or how I got there and my memory was being rather finicky right now. I could barely remember my own damn name. I let my hand fall like lead to my side and I groaned quietly. "My name... is James Queens...Queensland..." I mumble to myself as I squinted my eyes against the sun.

A familiar US soldier uniformed man stepped into sight above me. What confused me slightly was the uniform was that of a Revolutionary War general. The general knelt and touched my chest. I flinched in pain."So... you are still alive then Queensland." The man muttered approvingly and picked me up. I felt dizzy then I fall limp as I fall back to being unconscious.


The next thing I knew I began waking up on a softer terrain. My eyes flutter open weakly and I found myself no longer in a battlefield. I lay on a comfortable cot in a building. The main color I saw was white. A nurse bustled over and bent over me smiling. "You finally woke, sir. You have been out for quite some time."I rubbed my head confused and sat up gingerly wincing.

"How long have I been out...?" I mumble the question drowsily.

"Around two days sir." The nurse replied.

This jolted me awake and I stared at her nervously. "Two... two days?" I spluttered my eyes widened from nerves. She nodded and then pulled out a quill, ink and parchment going over to a desk she sat down.

"Alright, sir. I'm going to ask you a series of questions to see if you need any further help or can be released. First off, What is your name, age and place of origin." She looked up expectantly. She was pretty enough with short curly brunette hair and greenish brown eyes that showed her kindness; but the problem was I couldn't answer any of those questions she just asked.

My mind had gone completely blank."I...I don't know..." I whisper my stomach churning with fear. I couldn't remember my name. That was never a good sign. The nurse furrowed her brows in worry and nodded jotting down some notes. She now stands and smiles at me looking worried.

"Alright thank you for your time. I'll go inform General Washington about your state. He might come visit you." She left the room with quickened footsteps her face set in a sort of urgency and I began drifting off my mind wandering and asking questions like, 'Who am I?'


I was woken by voices near my bed. My eyes open groggily and I groan quietly. The talking immediately stopped and the man that had picked me up from the battlefield came to my bedside looking anxious. "Rosie said you can't remember anything." He said looking me over.

I shook my head weakly as I push myself up gingerly. "I...I can't remember a thing, sir..."

Washington chuckled weakly, "Least you remembered to call me sir." He commented and I gave him a weak grin. He returned it then spoke quietly, "I will be sending you to New York to recuperate for a while." he told me. He got up from my bedside and left the room quickly to, I assumed make arrangements for me to head to New York City. I sighed and lay my head back down onto the pillow. I looked up at the white ceiling and sighed.

I began to hum a soft melody then began to sing quietly, "New York, New York City... the one that shines with many a bright invention... there I will go, face my trails, let them know... that... I am strong! Stronger than they think! Oh, I won't let them down, you'll see... I'll find out who I used to be..." and with my final word sung I drifted into sleep.


I was woken up by the nurse Rosie. She smiled her sweet kind smile, "Come now sir. Your ride to New York will be arriving very soon. We need to get you ready." She helped me out of the comfortable hospital cot and lead me to a private room off to the side. She handed me a set of new clothes: A long blue trench coat, a white blouse, some black-brown trousers, some white socks and knee high military style black boots. She eyed me looking worried and a bit unsure. "Do you need any help, sir?"

I knew she meant it as a helpful thing but my face went bright red anyways, "Err... no. Thanks." I said completely embarrassed. She nodded and left me alone to dress closing the door behind her. 

Five difficult minutes later I had finally managed to get everything on me. I exited the changing room and Nurse Rosie came up to me smiling. "My! You look dashing. Alright, here is a profile of who you are." She handed me a piece of parchment with scrawled writing on it. "This is yours. Read it on your way to New York. God knows you'll need something to do." 

A knock came on the door of the clinic and Nurse Rosie hurried over opening it revealing a coachman who bowed. When he straightened he gave a charming smile. His eyes captivated me. They were a steely storm grey. His inky black hair made them pop. "Ma'am, I am here to pick up Mr. Queensland." 

I assumed this Queensland fellow was me and I came up besides Rosie and smiled shyly, "I assume that's me."

The coachman nodded and beckoned me to follow him, "Right this way sir."

I nodded then turned to face Nurse Rosie. I gave her a thankful smile and hugged her. "Thank you, ma'am. You saved my life." I pulled away and she smiled her little smile and nodded.

"It IS my job after all. To save lives and tend to the injured I mean." she said then waves goodbye. "Goodbye sir. Have a nice trip to New York!" I nodded and turned following the coachman to a carriage that sat in the drive. I clambered in and sat down on the well cushioned seats. I shut the carriage door with a muffled snap. I then rummage in my coat's pocket pulling out the folded piece of parchment with my profile on it. I unfolded it and stared at it. Taking a deep breath I began to read what information they had on me.


(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!

Also, yes I have decided to put original raps/songs I make in here for my awesomely awesome character James! I hope you enjoy! And yes, I will also include songs from the musical and a mash up of songs I make and just songs from the musical. (^-^)

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