Chapter 21

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I decided that for the time being I should keep my new found dangerous secret to myself. I know that it probably wasn't the best decision but at the time I just didn't know how to deal with situations like this. Now that I knew I used to be a spy for Britain, maybe I could use that to my advantage. I didn't really know my whole story yet. If I did this would be a whole lot easier on me. Hamilton, Mulligan and I had drug the canons by four horses we had managed to nab all the way back to our American encampment. Washington was waiting for us at the edge looking both impressed and cross at us. "I see you three decided to go on a little crusade." He said eyeing the horses that pulled the cannons which had halted, horses prancing nervously.

Hamilton grinned, "Yep! And it was my idea."

Washington raised an eyebrow, "I sort of figured." Both Mulligan and I snorted with laughter fighting back huge grins. Washington then turned to us, "But you two still went along with his scheme. Thank god it worked or I would have had a situation on my hands." He said sternly then he smiled softly, "Well done the three of you. Now, off you go." Hamilton, Mulligan and I started off towards the barracks but I was stopped by Washington, "Hang on, son. I need to speak with you." He smiled at me and I gulped feeling slightly like a kid getting called into the Principal's office.


Washington and I were in his office. I sat on a wooden chair opposite Washington, who sat behind his desk in an almost throne like arm chair. I squirmed anxiously and finally when I couldn't take it anymore I asked, "Have I done something wrong, sir?"

Washington chuckled, "Relax, son. You've done nothing wrong."

"Than why am I here, sir?" I asked frowning confused as I fidget anxiously with my hands unconsciously.

"I need you to do me a favor. Know that I'd only ask of you this if it was absolutely necessary." Replied Washington, who laced his fingers together, rested his chin on them and watched my every move, expression and so forth carefully.

"Your Excellence, if I may... why me and not Hamilton? Isn't he more qualified as your right hand man to do whatever tasks you may ask?" I questioned, furrowing my brow more in confusion at what Washington was saying.

A small smile graced his lips as he spoke next, "No, James. We need you in particular for this job."

"Alright. And what, may I ask is this job?" I asked wondering what something only I could do was.

"I need you to masquerade as a Redcoat and feed us intel." Washington replied, sitting up hands now clasped together laying on his desk.


I lay in the Barracks thinking about what tomorrow had in store for me. I would be leaving to go spy on the British from on the inside. It was kind of ironic if you thought about it; a once British spy now spying for the Americas. I rolled over in my bunk pulling out the crumpled now well-worn piece of parchment with my profile on it. I hadn't looked at it since I had arrived in New York. Wow, that was... a long while ago and I still have yet to finish reading it. Well, now I guess would be an opportune time.

Short Biography: James was born in London England. When he was four his mother died when giving birth to his younger sister Julie. When James was five and Julie was one, their father, whom was a former pirate, set sail on his ship, 'The Siren's Pearl'. Ten days later word reached James that his father's ship had sunk along with his father leaving both siblings orphans. They went to 'The King's Orphanage'. At the age of fifteen his orphanage attended a gala at the King's palace. It was a sort of popularity charity event. There were alcoholic beverages which weren't strictly speaking for the kids but James drank and unfortunately he can't hold his alcohol and so he got drunk pretty fast. King George happened to be drunk as well and the two ended up kissing.

That is where I had left off.... here we go.

After the king had sobered up he was obviously displeased at the incident and sent James

to the Americas to spy on their activities. We, the Americas found James out on June 12th, 1775 

and he has agreed to work for us as a revenge tactic against

The King of the British Isles. A year later he is struck down without warning by a gun wound

on his side from a British Officer during the small battle in the invasion of

Quebec and sent to recuperate in New York by General Washington. James has lost all 

prior memories and we hope to us this to our advantage.

I stared at the parchment in numb shock at all this new information; as I finished reading the entire profile. I sighed shakily, 'That's obviously the battle where I woke after getting shot with no memories. But, how could they do this.... I mean...' I thought then shook my head, sighing and decided that it wasn't best to linger on bitter thoughts. My eyelids began to feel heavy and then I fell asleep beginning to snore softly.


(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!



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