Chapter 23

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May guided us to a room and had us sit down as she bustled out of the room to get a the other women who was called Blossom. I shifted awkwardly in my chair and avoided looking at Mulligan blushing. All I could think about was that kiss that felt forever ago. It made me feel super super embarrassed. I chewed on my bottom lip not realizing I was tensed. I was also deep in thought.

Hercules glanced at me, realizing how anxious I looked. "Hey, calm down. If Washington trusts them, I'm sure we can too." He calmly stated, giving me a reassuring smile.

I jerked back to reality and twisted a few strands of my fire red hair between my thumb and forefinger blushing brightly, "Uh...Uhm's not ab...about that..." I mumble. There was actually a few things that were bothering me. One, I didn't wanna get rid of my hair and two, Mulligan and I were alone currently.

He nodded, leaning back in his chair, "What is bothering you then?" He questioned, curiosity and caring both showing in his eyes.

I took a deep breath, "...Well... uhm..." I closed my eyes and took another calming deep breath, "...." Should I play it safe or tell him what was definitely bothering me. "Kiss!" I blurted out. My eyes snap open and I went bright red in complete and utter embarrassment.

Hercules, trying his best not to burst out laughing, looked at me for a few seconds with his eyebrow raised, before finally realizing what I was referring too. "Oh, yeah, that..." He nervously said, trailing off at the end.

I looked away, "N...Never mind..." I say quietly feeling a little hurt. I knew I was probably being to sensitive but still.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable when i did that." He apologized, truly unsure of what either of us wanted at this point, "I shouldn't have been so reckless and brash."

"No... No... you didn't... I...I actually really really liked it...." I say quietly stammering a little looking over at him blushing. I gave him a shy smile, "I.... really did..."

"Oh, well, I guess that's good to hear, since I quite liked it as well." He responded, chuckling nervously as he returned the smile.

I blushed somehow brighter and moved closer but jumped away quickly embarrassed when a thin woman bustled in, "Hello." She smiled with brownish pink thin lips. She had thin ash brown hair and her eyes sparkled a chestnut brown, "So, George sent you. Alright. I'll see what I can do."

Hercules simply nodded to her as he slowly regained his composure, sending a small wink in my direction. "I'm assuming you must be Blossom?" He said to the woman.

"Aye." She paced around me looking me over, "Alright, come with me." She lead me off into a different room and I looked over my shoulder at Mulligan nervously as she closed the door.
I came out looking different. My fire red hair was now a buzz cut and I was wearing a British Soldier Uniform. "....I...feel... ridiculous... and I don't like this uniform... I'm getting a little headache..." I muttered the last part about the headache.

"Wow." Hercules muttered, looking at me, "You certainly look.. different." He stated, not quite sure what to think of the new look. He knew that this was all for the good of their cause, but something about seeing me in the Red uniform unnerved him, bringing a sick feeling to his stomach.

I thought about my past and sighed shaking my head, "Come on... Let's just go. Okay? I... I can't deal with this right now!" I stomped out and Blossom shook her head.
"You should speak to him. I don't think it's just a trivial haircut and a small kiss that's bothering him." She turned and left before Mulligan could speak.

Hercules took a moment to recover before quickly going after me, "James, wait!" He anxiously called.

I slowed my pace and turned to face him, "Wh...what?" I asked quietly watching him hurry up to me. We now stood in an alley way nearby the fashion boutique.

Not being able to think of what to say in the situation and not wanting to make it any worse, Hercules pulled me into a hug, remaining silent as he did so. I relaxed into the hug and buried my face in his chest as I began to cry. Sobs racked my body and my breaths were sharp and quick, "I don...don't know what to do....." I whispered through my sobs.

"You follow your heart and do what you think is right, even if others don't agree." He stated, hugging tighter as he rubbed my back the same way his mother had done to calm him down when he was younger, hoping it would help me the same way it had him.

Soon my sobs slowly stopped and I sniffled pulling away from the hug and wiped my nose. "...Sorry... I...It's just..." I took a deep breath and pulled out my profile handing it to him. It was crumpled a little. I pointed at the information that I used to be a spy, about my sister and about how the U.S. was using me too.


(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!



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