Chapter 11

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I sat at the edge of my bed taking a deep breath and letting it out in a shaky sigh. I picked up the glass of water that Burr had left me taking a sip. The headache from my hangover had thankfully dimmed down to a manageable state. I finished the water and got up shuffling out to find Burr and apologize for how bad I acted. I set down the empty glass on a kitchen counter-top and wandered through the house searching for Burr. I finally found him in his study currently reading a document. I debated whether or not to disturb him but before I got cold feet he looked up at me. There was still some ice in his gaze when he saw me. "Yes, James?" He asked sounding slightly tired glancing at the mantel clock in the corner, "We should get ready for that dinner at the Schuyler place." He informed me.

I didn't speak for a moment as I walked up to him and hugged him tightly even about to cry, "I'm... I'm sorry..." I mumble my apology into his shoulder, which I had buried my face in. I began to softly cry.

Burr hugged me tightly. He shushed me comfortingly and all his ice seemed to melt away. "Hey. Hey. Easy James. It's fine. I forgive you." He smiled softly showing me all was forgiven. "Now, you can borrow some of my dress clothes. Come along." Burr stood taking my arm and gently guided me into his room. He let go of my arm and walked over to his wardrobe opening it. He began to sift through it's contents soon pulling out an outfit and handed me it to me. "Get dressed." He said as he ushered me into my own room. HS turned and strode back into his room to get ready as well.

Three minutes later I was dressed and sitting in Burr's living room waiting for him to be ready. Soon he came out dressed and holding a sword in a sheath. "James." He said smiling, handing me the sheathed blade, "I was told you you are... were a swordsman. Perhaps carrying a blade will help you regain some memories."

I inspected the sheath, made of hardened black leather. Gold thread spiraled around in it making it shimmer as light hit it. I pulled out the blade a bit out of it's sheath inspecting it then let it return back in with a satisfied smile. I stood and fixed the sheathed blade to my belt, "Thank you." I grinned.

Burr, who had watched all my actions amused, chuckled. "Of course." He nodded looking up at the huge master cuckoo clock which just then chimed six o'clock informing us we should hurry to the Schuyler manor


I clambered out of the carriage which had haulted in front of Schuyler manor. Burr slid out and came to stand besides me. "I heard Phillip Schuyler has something interesting planned." Burr informed me, giving a wary look at the entrance of the manor.

I licked my lips thoughtfully, "Something interesting, you say?" I hummed. A piece if my fire red hair fell in front if my face and I puffed at it attempting to make it blow back into place. It had been combed, which I decided to tolerate but I was still rather annoyed about it. I let out an exasperated sigh brushing the piece of unruly hair back into place.

Burr chuckled at my behavior, "Come along. Let's go." He started up the lawn and I hurriedly fell into step with him.

"Hey?" I asked.

"Yes, James?"

"Who else is going to be there?"

Burr pursed his lips thoughtfully furrowing his brow as we reached the entrance to Schuyler manor, "Hamilton, Mulligan, Laurens, Lafayette and I'm pretty sure General Washington himself will be attending." He replied.

"General Washington?" I asked interestidly. The foyer was enormous and beautifully furnished. It seemed to glow from the pretty chandler's hanging from the high ceiling.

"Welcome!" We were greeted by Phillip Schuyler himself.


(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!


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