Chapter 25

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My eyes weakly flutter open and I coughed harshly. It was a painful sounding cough. My fever had gotten a bit worse and I dazedly looked around my surroundings utterly confused. Hercules, who was sitting at a desk across the room studying a book he had found, swiftly looked up, "James?" He quietly called, making sure I was truly awake.

I groan weakly shivering slightly, ".....Mmmm?" I mumble in response then rolled over vomiting over the side of the bed. It splattered on the floor. I groan weakly wrinkling my nose slightly in disgust.

"We're at Samuel's house, I, uh, lied and told him you had been overworking yourself and passed out." He answered, "Maybe I should write the general to tell him what's happening?" He suggested after a few seconds of silence.

"I remember..." I whisper quietly and let out a weak breath, "I...I..." Hercules remained quiet, giving me a patient look as he wondered what exactly I would say.

"The gala when... you know what happened..." I closed my eyes, "God, I was dreadfully drunk...."

"I'm surprised you could remember that even before you lost your memory." Hercules chuckled, quickly going quiet again to listen.

"Exactly what I was thinking but... he was the one who drug me into a random room." I tried to sit up gasped and coughed harshly and painfully. I whimper eyes squeezing shut more, ".......!!"

Hercules quickly came over, avoiding the vomit, and gently pushed me back down in the bad, "Don't push yourself, you're not in good shape right now."

"Yes?" He answered without moving. I pulled him closer, my grip on his sleeve slacked suddenly and I let out a weak breath groaning. "James?" He worriedly questioned, panicking, but trying to keep a calm appearance.

I shudder weakly opening my eyes, "This may sound... really childish but... I want Burr..." I murmur. Burr was the closest thing I had to a dad.

Hercules sighed, trying his best to quietly get free so he could write to both Washington and Burr as soon as possible.


Burr read over the letter he had received almost an hour ago for the fourth time, sighing as he leaned back in his desk chair, a pit forming in his stomach. The message, which had been signed by Hercules, explained that he and I were in Boston and that I had fallen ill and had asked for him to come. It had been a lot to take in, and he couldn't help but think of me parents, who had both died and left me orphaned by the time he had turned eight. Everything seemed so big and he couldn't help but wonder, why he was the one I had called on in his time of need, but he knew he couldn't ignore the message and that it wouldn't be long before he was on a carriage on the way to Boston. The carriage soon came to a halt in front of Seabury's home. I was not awake yet.

Burr took a step out of the carriage and walked up to the door, taking a deep breathe before knocking. Samuel walked to the door and opened the door, "...Are you the man who was supposed to meet with Mulligan and Queensland?" He asked.

Burr nodded, "Yes." He replied eyeing Seabury confused a little. Seabury nodded and lead him into his home taking him to the room where I lay unconscious and feverish.

Mulligan met Burr at the doorway and he looked exhausted. "...Finally..." He said weakly and almost collapsed. Burr quickly caught him and gave him an indignant look.

"You need to rest too!" Burr said and set Mulligan down on a bed besides me. Burr slowly sat down in an arm chair and watched over us trying, himself not to fall asleep.


(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!



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