Chapter 8

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I was woken by a very confused Burr. I sat up yawning largely like a cat and rubbed my eyes childishly. "Wha happening...?" I mumble still pretty much half asleep.

Behind him Alexander chuckled, "Morning you two sleepyheads."

"Why are you two in my house?" Asked Burr. I let out a sleepy giggle, still pretty much asleep.

"We drug your drunk ass home. Be thankful James here was nice enough to help you!" Alexander chided Burr almost sounding motherly.

Burr frowned in annoyance at Alexander's tone. "Thank you." He said through gritted teeth.

Alexander turned to face me smirking in a mischievous amused way that made me slightly nervous at what he was about to do or say, "So," he started then sniggered before continuing, "You kissed the king, huh?"

My face turned a brilliant shade of red. "Hamilton!" I protested.

He chuckled and Burr had a stunned look on his face, "Wait, you kissed.... the KING?!"

Even I had to laugh. Hamilton and I ended up on the floor half clutching eachother as we could barely breath because how hard we were laughing. Burr on the other hand had an unamused look on his face. "Get a hold of yourselves!" He barked out an order.

We scramble up still grinning like idiots, "Sorry, sir." I said breathlessly.

"But yes, he kissed the king." Alexander nudged me suppressing a peel of laughter.

I fought the urge to giggle and just nodded in agreement not trusting myself to speak knowing I'd giggle. Burr sighed face palming, sighing in annoyance and ran a hand through his hair. "That is... a unique way of being... alright, moving on! Thank-you for helping me home. Now, tell me... James right?" I nodded and he continued, "What again, did you need to see me for?"

"Well, you see, sir... Washington sent me to seek room and board with you. You see, sir, I have no memories." My words ended up sort of rhyming turning it into a sort of rap.

Burr nodded giving me a sort of pitying look. "I see." He took an enormous deep breath then let it out pursing his kips thoughtfully. "Well, I'd be glad to house you as long as you need."

I gave him a huge relieved grin and hugged him tightly. Burr was super surprised but hugged back. He chuckled raising an eyebrow at me, "What's this for exactly?" He asked me.

"A very enthusiastic thank you, I think." Laughed Hamilton as I appeared to be speechless with thanks. Either that or I had fallen asleep. I began snoring softly. Yup, definitely asleep.


I chased after Hamilton as he held up the piece of parchment with my profile on it which he had gotten his hands on before either Burr or I had awoken. Apparently I had been clutching it in my hand as I slept. "Give it back!" I whine childishly.

Suddenly someone plucked the piece of parchment from Hamilton's grasp. A tall ma stood behind him grinning. "What's this?" He was muscular, black, hot and wore shabby looking clothing.

Alexander jumped swiping at the piece of parchment pouting like a child, "Hey! Give that back Mulligan!" He whined sounding like a child. The man called Mulligan just chuckled holding above Hamilton's reach easily, shook his head unfolding the parchment and skimmed the contents. My face went brilliantly red.

"Hey! Stop that! I don't need everyone to know about my mess up!" I squeaked indignantly.

Mulligan laughed at the fuss I was making. He winked at me causing my face to go a deeper shade of red and then he handed me back my parchment. I refolded it stuffing it shakily into my coat pocket before Mulligan leaned down smirking and murmured in my ear, "Nice work on the king." Some how my face grew a deeper shade of red than crimson, my blush reaching my ears and down my neck as Mulligan pulled away smirking still. I was practically dying from the embarrassment and the heated temperature of my body from my blush.

I gulped unable to speak as Hamilton, who'd had heard what Mulligan said, draped his arms around my shoulders from behind laying his chi on my shoulder smirking. "Agreed. Maybe you could work on me or Mulligan. If you know what I mean." He winked cheekily.

My last thought before I blacked out went along the lines of something like this, 'Oh god, help me from this situation!'


(A/N) Please, if you are enjoying this book give it a heart and comment what you think! Whenever I get a comment it makes my day. You guys are seriously the best!

LOL, The whole premise of this chapter was pretty much: YOU KISSED THE KING?! XD


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